Wisconsin Personnel Commission's             Digest of Decisions        March, 1999 Version

Sections 403.12(1) through 403.12(3)

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403.12(1) Existence of request for reclassification/reallocation [see also 403.12(13)]

No reclassification request was made where neither of the two reclassification request procedures listed in the employe handbook was followed, i.e. appellant's supervisor did not initiate a request nor did appellant file a written request. In addition, appellant was never lead to believe her supervisor had filed a request for reclassification of appellant's position. Johnson v. DOT & DER, 94-0442-PC, 11/27/95

A mere allegation that a series of meetings was held over a four year period of time to discuss the classifications of several positions, including appellant's, was insufficient justification for appellant to believe that a classification review was being conducted on the appellant's position so that appellant did not file a formal reclass/reallocation request on his own. Bauer v. DATCP & DER, 91-0128-PC, 6/25/93

The existing framework of the state's classification system makes it clear that the primary burden is on an employe to initiate a request for a change in the classification of his or her position. Bauer v. DATCP & DER, 91-0128-PC, 6/25/93

Where appellant submitted a reclassification request to her supervisor and, upon the supervisor's approval, forwarded it to appellant's personnel unit in Madison where the request was either not received or misplaced and despite repeated inquiries by appellant, neither her supervisors nor the personnel unit ever attempted to finally resolve questions as to the location or status of the request, the respondent constructively denied appellant's request for reclassification. Miller v. DHSS & DER, 91-0129-PC, 5/1/92

The proper effective date for the reclassification of the appellant's position was September of 1986 which arose from the only written reclassification request he had initiated. The appellant had made previous verbal requests for reclassification but respondent had notified appellant that these requests would not be processed or acted upon and appellant failed to appeal respondent's action. Baggott v. DNR & DER, 87-0012-PC, 12/23/87; aff'd by Dane County Circuit Court, Baggott v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 88-CV-0366, 8/11/88

Respondents were required to reclassify the appellant's positions more than two years earlier than when respondent received appellant's written reclassification request where appellants were mislead by management's conduct into assuming their verbal reclassification requests were adequate. Guzniczak & Brown v. DHSS & DER, 83-0210, 0211-PC, 5/13/87; petition for rehearing granted and decision reaffirmed, 6/11/87

The failure of respondent's employes to have informed the appellants they were required to submit their reclassification requests in writing, under circumstances which suggested their verbal requests were being acted upon, could be characterized as a ministerial error attributable to management and provides a basis for rejecting the effective date established by the respondent based on the ultimate receipt of written reclassification requests. Guzniczak & Brown v. DHSS & DER, 83-0210, 0211-PC, 5/13/87; petition for rehearing granted and decision reaffirmed, 6/11/87

The Commission directed respondent agency to consider appellant's request to reclassify his position to the Environmental Specialist 6 level. Respondent had granted reclassification of the position from the ES 4 to ES 5 level but had given no prior consideration to the ES 6 level. The appellant had clearly requested consideration of both the ES 5 and ES 6 levels in memos to his supervisors initiating the reclassification review. Also, the portion of the reclassification request/report form setting forth the "Proposed Class Title and Pay Range" was completed by someone other than the person indicated in respondent's written policy. Baggott v. DNR & DER, 87-0012-PC, 4/29/87

Appellant sustained her burden of showing that her request for an "audit" of her position should have been considered by respondents as a request for reclassification where she referred to her request as a "reclassification request" in a conversation with the chief of respondent's classification section and she explained that the rationale for her request was her unhappiness in regard to the recent reclassification of certain other positions. Respondent's failure to respond to the reclassification request as required by §ER-Pers 3.04, Wis. Adm. Code, was construed as a constructive denial of that request. Sersch v. DILHR & DER, 86-0075-PC, 4/1/87

Where appellant submitted a written reclassification request in 1981 and subsequently received a verbal denial without any information as to how to appeal and appellant later requested a review of the matter in 1985 and received a written denial after that, as required by §ER-Pers 3.03(3), Wis. Adm. Code, her 1986 appeal was timely filed. Spilde v. DER, 86-0040-PC, 10/9/86

Respondent had effective receipt of appellant's reclassification request where appellant submitted written request for same, notwithstanding it was submitted to her supervisor as opposed to the personnel office and did not have attached to it all the desired supporting documentation, where she was not told that she had to do anything else, and there is nothing in the civil service code or even in written agency policy requiring same. Spilde v. DER, 86-0040-PC, 10/9/86

Where appellant requested reclassification of her position in 1981 and left the position in 1983 prior to any action on her request or the establishment of an effective date for reclassification, the transaction was not rendered moot by the operation of §ER-Pers 3.03(4), Wis. Adm. Code, since this only operates if an employe leaves the position prior to the effective date of the transaction. Spilde v. DER, 86-0040-PC, 10/9/86


403.12(2) Listing of cases by classifications involved [see also 403.12(15), (16) and (17)]

Accountant – Journey Stein v. DER, 92-0474-PC, 8/18/94 (and Financial Specialist 3)

Account Specialist I Fritchen v. DP, 79-PC-CS-269, 4/29/82 (see also Fiscal Clerk 3)

Account Specialist I and 2 Benish & Volden v. DILHR & DP, 82-184-PC, 11/23/83; Smith v. UW-Madison & DER, 85-0090-PC, 11/7/85

Account Specialist 3 Falk v. DP, 81-23-PC, 12/29/82 (see also Accountant 3)

Account Specialist 3 – Supervisor Haberman v. DP, 81-334-PC, 11/11/82 (see also Accountant 3-Supervisor)

Accountant 3 Falk v. DP, 81-23-PC, 12/29/82 (see also Account Specialist 3)

Accountant 3 – Supervisor Haberman v. DP, 81-334-PC, 11/11/82 (see also Account Specialist 3-Supervisor)

Administrative Assistant I Newton v. DHSS & DP, 79-42-PC, 12/4/79 (see also Administrative Secretary 2)

Administrative Assistant 2 Johnson v. DP, 79-45-PC, 9/4/79 (see also Personnel Assistant 1)

Administrative Assistant 3 Buchen v. DP, 82-151-PC, 8/17/83; Chase v. DER, 85-0033-PC, 3/13/86 (see also Area Services Specialist 2); Christensen v. DNR & DER, 90-0368-PC, 5/16/91 (also Program Assistant Supervisor 2 and Program Assistant 3-Confidential and 4-Confidential); Gums & Snart v. DP, 79-PC-CS-299, 695, 1/2/81 (see also Program Assistant 4 & Program Assistant Supervisor 3); Kirchesh v. DP, 80-356-PC, 2/18/82 (see also Payroll & Benefits Assistant 4); Klein v. UW & DER, 91-0208-PC, 2/8/93 (also Program Assistant 3 and 4); Krueger v. DP, 80-308-PC, 9/3/81; Meschefske v. DP, 80-37-PC, 1/8/81 (see also Program Assistant 4); Saindon v. DER, 85-0212-PC, 10/9/86 (see also Purchasing Agent 2, Educational Services Assistant I and 2, and Purchasing Assistant); Lathrop v. DER, 97-0004-PC, 3/11/98 (also Program Assistant 4)

Administrative Assistant 3 – Confidential Wedul v. DOT & DER, 85-0118-PC, 2/6/86 (see also Program Assistant Supervisor 2)

Administrative Assistant 3 and 4 LaRose v. DP, 82-205-PC, 12/23/83 (see also Safety Coordinator 1); Nehls v. DP, 82-169-PC, 10/31/83; O'Brien v. DOT & DER, 91-0221-PC, 6/25/93 (also Public Information Officer 4, Community Services Specialist 1 and 2)

Administrative Assistant 3 and 4 – Supervisor Biba v. DP, 79-367-PC, 4/23/81 (see also Management Information Supervisor 3)

Administrative Assistant 3-Confidential, 4-Confidential and 5-Confidential Christensen v. DOC & DER, 91-0210-PC, 4/17/92

Administrative Assistant 3-Supervisor and 4-Supervisor Johnson v. DER, 95-0122-PC, 1/31/96

Administrative Assistant 4 Schlitz v. DP, 81-165-PC, 10/14/82 (see also Educational Services Assistant 3); Young v. DP, 81-7-PC, 12/16/81 (see also Administrative Assistant 5)

Administrative Assistant 4-Confidential/Supervisor

Christensen v. DNR & DER, 89-0097-PC, 90-0125-PC, 11/16/90 (also Purchasing Agent 1 Supervisor)

Administrative Assistant 4 – Supervisor Breitzman v. DP, 81-61-PC, 1/27/82 (see also Educational Services Assistant 2 and 3-Supervisor); Carpenter v. DOC & DER, 97-0115-PC, 11/18/98 (also Corrections Program Supervisor 1)

Administrative Assistant 4 and 5 Kluesner v. DER, 95-0224-PC, 7/5/96; Fay v. DER, 92-0438-PC, 7/7/94; Van Wyhe & WCC v. DOA & DER, 91-0195, 0196-PC, 9/22/92

Administrative Assistant 4 - Supervisor and 5 - Supervisor

Amble v. DOA & DER, 92-0705-PC, 11/23/93 Broady-Dietz v. DOA & DER, 92-0563-PC, 1/25/94; Galbraith v. DP, 82-55-PC, 3/31/83; Hillestad v. DOA & DER, 92-0823-PC, 3/29/94

Administrative Assistant 5 Fullmer, Mastricola & Belshe v. DP, 83-0008-PC, 1/4/84 (see also Community Services Specialist 2); Hillner v. DP, 79-238-PC, 11/24/80 (see also Administrative Officer l-Confidential); Robbins v. DHSS & DER, 92-0795–PC, 1/25/94 (also Administrative Officer 1); Svensson v. DER, 86-0136-PC, 7/22/87 (see also Tourist Promotion Representative 3); Young v. DP, 81-7-PC, 12/16/81 (see also Administrative Assistant 4)

Administrative Assistant 5 – Confidential Pilster-Pearson v. DER, 84-0078-PC, 12/6/84 (see also Social Services Specialist 2 and 3 - Confidential)

Administrative Assistant 5 – Supervisor Anderson et al. v. DER, 86-0098-PC, 9/27/87 (see also Administrative Officer 1 - Supervisor); Doyle v. DER, 89-0016-PC, 6/15/90 (also Administrative Officer 1 and 2)

Administrative Officer 1 DOT (Potts) v. DP, 80-362-PC, 6/25/82 (see also Planning Analyst 4); Lawton v. DP, 81-47-PC, 12/16/81 (see also Personnel Specialist 5) (see also Personnel Administrative Officer 1 and 2); Schermetzler v. DER, 94-0342-PC, 4/17/95 (also Archivist-Senior); Robbins v. DHSS & DER, 92-0795–PC, 1/25/94 (also Administrative Assistant 5); Prust & Sauer v. Wis. Pers. Comm., Dane County Circuit Court, 97-CV-3328, 7/8/98 (also Agricultural Program Specialist-Senior and Attorney 13)

Administrative Officer I – Confidential Hillner v. DP, 79-238-PC, 11/24/80 (see also Administrative Assistant 5)

Administrative Officer 1 – Supervisor Anderson et al. v. DER, 86-0098-PC, 9/27/87 (see also Administrative Assistant 5 - Supervisor)

Administrative Officer 1 and 2 Doyle v. DER, 89-0016-PC, 6/15/90 (also Administrative Assistant 5 - Supervisor); Seidel v. DER, 95-0081-PC, 7/23/96; Usabel v. DER, 84-0005-PC, 12/6/84; Vanden Wymelenberg/DOJ v. DER, 85-0099, 0100-PC, 3/13/86

Administrative Officer 2 DOJ (Dowd & Linssen) & Linssen v. DER, 85-0101, 0102, 0116-PC, 1/13/87; Hamele v. DER, 85-0172-PC, 8/6/86 (see also Chief, Protective Services)

Administrative Officer 2 and 3 Henert v. DP, 82-134-PC, 9/16/83

Administrative Officer 3 Dorsey et al. v. DER, 94-0471-PC, etc., 1/23/96 (also Transportation District Business Supervisor)

Administrative Officer 3 and 4 Jerrick v. DER, 90-0392-PC, 6/12/91; Banoul v. DER, 90-0158-PC, 12/13/90

Administrative Officer 4 and 5 Boeding v. DER, 95-0144-PC, 10/22/96

Administrative Secretary I Lloyd v. UW, 78-127-PC, 8/30/79 (see also Stenographer 3)

Administrative Secretary 2 Newton v. DHSS & DP, 79-42-PC, 12/4/79 (see also Administrative Assistant 1)

Agricultural Program Specialist-Senior Prust & Sauer v. Wis. Pers. Comm., Dane County Circuit Court, 97-CV-3328, 7/8/98 (also Administrative Officer 1 and Attorney 13)

Agricultural Specialist 2 and 4 Neher v. DATCP & DP, 80-190-PC, 7/8/82

Agricultural Supervisor 1, 2 and 3 Marx v. DP, 78-138-PC, 10/1/81; reversed by Dane County Circuit Court, DP v. State Pers. Comm. & Marx, 81-CV-5798, 11/8/83; reversed by Court of Appeals District IV, 84-1024, 11/21/85

Air Management Engineer - Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Vakharia v. DNR & DER, 95-0178-PC, 12/20/96; Harder v. DNR & DER, 95-0181-PC, 8/5/96; Hubbard v. DER, 91-0082-PC, 3/29/94; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Hubbard v. Wis. Pers. Comm.,, 94-CV-1408, 11/27/96; Roushar v. DER, 91-0069-PC, 2/21/92

Air Management Specialist-Entry, Developmental and Objective Cutts v. DER, 92-0472-PC, 7/24/95

Air Management Specialist-Senior and Advanced Haidinger v. DNR & DER, 95-0038-PC, 6/13/96; Trochta et al. v. DER, 92-0616-PC, etc., 5/2/94; Carter v. DNR & DER, 97-0052-PC, 2/11/98

Architect 5 and 6 Paulson v. DP, 80-257-PC, 8/5/81

Architect 6 and 7 Nestingen & Alfano v. DP, 80-369, 371-PC, 3/19/82 (see also Civil Engineer 6 and 7)

Architect-Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Sanders v. DER, 90-0346-PC, 3/29/94; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Sanders v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 94-CV-1407, 11/27/96

Architect-Advanced 2-Management Germanson et al. v. DER, 91-0223-PC, etc., 5/20/93 (also Architect/Engineer Manager 1 and 2, Civil Engineer-Advanced 2-Management, Architect Supervisor 5, Civil Engineer Supervisor 5)

Architect Supervisor 5 Germanson et al. v. DER, 91-0223-PC, etc., 5/20/93 (also Architect/Engineer Manager 1 and 2, Civil Engineer-Advanced 2-Management, Civil Engineer Supervisor 5, Architect-Advanced 2-Management)

Architect/Engineer Manager 1 Murray v. Wis. Pers. Comm., Dane County Circuit Court, 93-CV-2661, 4/29/94 (also Civil Engineer Supervisor 4)

Architect/Engineer Manager 1 and 2; Germanson et al. v. DER, 91-0223-PC, etc., 5/20/93 (also Civil Engineer Supervisor 5, Civil Engineer-Advanced 2-Management, Architect Supervisor 5, Architect-Advanced 2-Management)

Architect/Engineer Manager 2 and 3 Eagon v. DER, 90-0398-PC, 3/23/92

Archivist-Senior Schermetzler v. DER, 94-0342-PC, 4/17/95 (also Administrative Officer 1)

Area Services Specialist 2 Chase v. DER, 85-0033-PC, 3/13/86 (see also Administrative Assistant 3)

Area Services Specialist 4 and 5 Walbridge v. DER, 88-0062-PC, 5/18/89

Area Services Specialist 5 and 6 Arndt & Goehring v. DP, 82-0251-PC, 9/13/85

Attorney 13 Prust & Sauer v. Wis. Pers. Comm., Dane County Circuit Court, 97-CV-3328, 7/8/98 (also Administrative Officer 1 and Agricultural Program Specialist-Senior)

Attorney 12, 13, 14 and 15 Theobald v. DP, 78-82-PC, 1/8/82

Attorney 13 and 14 Austin et al. v. DER, 90-0285, 0294-PC, 10/31/91; Ghilardi & Ludwig v. DER, 87-0026, 0027-PC, 4/14/88

Attorney 14 and 15 Zink v. DER, 90-0391-PC, 2/21/92

Auditor 3 Johnson v. DOR & DP, 80-360-PC, 8/5/82 & 9/2/82 (see also Audit Specialist 4 and 5); Kleinert v. DER, 87-0206-PC, 8/29/88 (also Audit Specialist 4)

Audit Specialist 4 Kleinert v. DER, 87-0206-PC, 8/29/88 (also Auditor 3)

Audit Specialist 4 and 5 Johnson v. DOR & DP, 80-360-PC, 8/5/82 & 9/2/82 (see also Auditor 3)

Audit Supervisor 1 and 2 Dorn v. DER, 90-0154-PC, 4/5/91

Automotive/Equipment Technician-Senior and Master Weber v. DER, 94-0066-PC, 11/22/94; Runyan v. DER, 94-0052-PC, 9/21/94

Automotive Mechanic 2 and 3 Dolsen v. UW & DER, 93-0066-PC, 6/21/94; Runyan v. DNR & DER, 90-0234-PC, 12/13/90

Bricklayer & Mason Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen Union #8 and Radish v. DHSS, 81-367-PC, 5/28/82 (see also Facility Repair Worker 3)

Budget and Management Analyst 4, 5 and 6 Wing v. DP, 77-63, 6/11/81

Budget and Policy Analyst – Division – Senior Zielesch v. DER, 96-0028-PC, 8/30/96 (also Financial Specialist 5)

Building Maintenance Helper 2 Thompson v. DER, 86-0138-PC, 12/23/87 (see also Youth Counselor 1)

Carpenter Landphier v. DER, 90-0373-PC, 8/21/91 (also Facilities Repair Worker 3)

Chemist Supervisor 2 and 3 Miller v. DP, 82-236-PC, 12/22/83

Chief, DMV Program Section and Administrative Officer 2 – Supervisor Sunstad v. DER, 94-0472-PC, 5/28/96

Chief, Protective Services Hamele v. DER, 85-0172-PC, 8/6/86 (see also Administrative Officer 2)

Civil Engineer 3 – Transportation Kennedy et al. v. DP, 81-180, etc.-PC, 1/6/84 (see also Planning Analyst 3, 4, 5, 6 (Mgmt.), and 7 (Mgmt.)

Civil Engineer 4 and 5 - Transportation Supervisor Schiffer v. DP, 81-342-PC, 7/21/83

Civil Engineer 5 and 6 - Transportation Supervisor Novak v.DER, 83-0104-PC, 1/17/85 (see also Research Analyst 6)

Civil Engineer 6 and 7 Nestingen & Alfano v. DP, 80-369, 371-PC, 3/19/82 (see also Architect 6 and 7)

Civil Engineer 6 and 7 - Transportation Management Pamperin v. DER, 83-0191-PC, 4/25/85; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court Pamperin v. State Pers. Comm., 85-CV-2700, 10/30/85) (see also Planning and Analysis Administrator 2 and Research Administrator 1)

Civil Engineer-Advanced 1 and 2 Smith v. DER, 91-0162-PC, 11/29/93; Marx v. DER, 91-0087-PC, 2/5/93

Civil Engineer-Advanced 2-Management Germanson et al. v. DER, 91-0223-PC, etc., 5/20/93 (also Architect/Engineer Manager 1 and 2, Civil Engineer Supervisor 5, Architect Supervisor 5, Architect-Advanced 2-Management)

Civil Engineer Supervisor 4 Murray v. Wis. Pers. Comm., Dane County Circuit Court, 93-CV-2661, 4/29/94 (also Architect/Engineer Manager 1)

Civil Engineer Supervisor 5 Germanson et al. v. DER, 91-0223-PC, etc., 5/20/93 (also Architect/Engineer Manager 1 and 2, Civil Engineer-Advanced 2-Management, Architect Supervisor 5, Architect-Advanced 2-Management)

Civil Engineer-Transportation-Advanced 1 Mueller v. DOT & DER, 94-0567-PC, 11/14/95 (also Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Advanced 1)

Civil Engineer-Transportation-Advanced 1 and 2 Lautz v. DER, 91-0091-PC, 6/23/93

Civil Engineer-Transportation-Journey and Senior Heidari v. DER, 92-0029-PC, 3/19/93

Civil Engineer-Transportation-Journey and Advanced 1 Vesperman v. DOT & DER, 93-0101-PC, 12/7/95

Civil Engineer-Transportation-Senior and Advanced Gutierrez v. DOT & DER, 96-0096-PC, 4/11/97; Obenberger v. DOT & DER, 93-0114-PC, 6/9/95

Civil Engineer-Transportation-Supervisor 3 and 4 Von Ruden et al. v. DER, 91-0149-PC, etc., 8/31/95; Wacker v. DOT & DER, 92-0251-PC, 12/17/92; Jones v. DER, 91-0145-PC, 11/13/92; Wehrle v. DER, 91-0170-PC, 6/24/92; Brandenburg v. DER, 91-0063-PC, 3/19/92

Civil Engineer-Transportation-Supervisor 4 and 5 Felsner et al. v.DER, 91-0197-PC, etc., 7/8/92; Von Ruden et al. v. DER, 91-0149-PC, etc., 7/8/92

Civil Engineer-Transportation-Supervisor 4 and Manager 1 Pamperin v. DER, 90-0321-PC, 7/25/94

Clerical Assistant 1 Taylor v. DOR & DER, 90-0387-PC, 6/27/91 (also Program Assistant 1)

Clerical Assistant 1 and 2 Foster v. DOT & DER, 89-0008-PC, 10/25/89 (also Program Assistant 1); Peil v. DILHR & DER, 85-0062-PC, 11/7/85 (see also Job Service Assistant 1)

Clerical Assistant 2 Billingsley & Williams et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-62,etc., 10/2/81 (see also Program Assistant 1) (see also Typist); Botz v. UW & DP, 83-0063-PC, 12/7/83; Haak v. DHSS & DER, 85-0130-PC, 4/30/86; Hellenbrand v. DNR & DER, 87-0188-PC, 6/15/88 (see also Program Assistant 1); Kundiger et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-327, 329, 703, 10/2/81; Nickel & Standish v. DP, 79-PC-CS-774, 629, 2/17/81 (see also Program Assistant 1); Schmitz v. DP, 79-PC-CS-767, 10/2/81 (see also Offset Press Operator 1); Showers v. DP, 79-PC-CS-699, 9/23/82 (see also Program Assistant 1)

Clerical Supervisor 2 Cuff v. DP, 79-PC-CS-100, 12/17/80

(see also Program Assistant Supervisor 1)

Community Services Specialist 1 and 2 O'Brien v. DOT & DER, 91-0221-PC, 6/25/93 (see also Public Information Officer 4, Administrative Assistant 3 and 4)

Community Services Specialist 2 Fullmer, Mastricola & Belshe v. DP, 83-0008-PC, 1/4/84 (see also Administrative Assistant 5)

Community Services Specialist 2 and 3 Alme v. DNR & DER, 93-0129-PC, 9/21/94; Cirilli & Lindner v. DP, 81-39-PC, 8/4/83; Weber v. DOCom & DER, 95-0168-PC, 4/24/97

Community Services Technician 2 Piotrowski v. DER, 84-0010-PC, 12/20/84 (see also Program and Planning Analyst 3)

Computer Operator 3 Lee v. DP, 79-371-PC, 11/24/80 (see also Data Processing Operations Technician 1. 2 and 3)

Computer Operator 3 and 4 Nehring et al. v. UW & DER, 89-0066-PC, etc., 11/16/90

Construction Representative-Journey and Senior Story et al. v. DER, 92-0811-PC, etc., 10/24/94

Cook 2 Collins v. UW & DER, 85-0165-PC, 8/20/86 (see also Food Production Assistant 1)

Corrections Program Supervisor 1 Carpenter v. DOC & DER, 97-0115-PC, 11/18/98 (also Administrative Assistant 4-Supervisor)

Custodial Supervisor 2 Keller v. UW & DER, 86-0168-PC, 4/15/87 (see also Housekeeping Services Supervisor 2)

Custodian 3 Perea v. DHSS & DER, 93-0036-PC, 3/29/94 (also Youth Counselor 1)

Data Entry Operator 1 and 2 Peters v. UW & DP, 82-234-PC, 7/7/83

Data Processing Operations Technician 1, 2 and 3 Lee v. DP, 79-371-PC, 11/24/80 (see also Computer Operator 3)

Data Processing Operations Technician 2 Ellsworth & Parrell v. DP, 83-0021, 0022-PC, 8/23/83; Whitmore v. DP, 82-10, 188-PC, 3/31/83 (see also Management Information Specialist I and 2)

Data Processing Operations Technician 2, 3 and 4 Koch/DOT v. DP, 81-19-PC, 9/21/83

Data Processing Operator 3 Martin v. UW & DER, 85-0092-PC, 1/9/86 (see also Management Information Specialist 5)

Educational Consultant I Moy v. DPI & DP, 79-125-PC, 8/21/81 (see also Equal Opportunity Specia ist 4)

Educational Consultant I and 2 Skeway v. DPI, 80-83-PC, 2/9/82

Educational Services Assistant 1 and 2 Patterson v. DER, 87-0212-PC, 5/5/88

Educational Services Assistant 2 and 3 Supervisor Breitzman v. DP, 81-61-PC, 1/27/82 (see also Administrative Assistant 4 - Supervisor)

Educational Services Assistant 3 Schlitz v. DP, 81-265-PC, 10/14/82 (see also Administrative Assistant 4)

Educational Administrative Officer 2 and 3 Spraggins v. DER, 90-0390-PC, 9/22/92; Johnson v. DER, 88-0139-PC, 1/10/90; Saindon v. DER, 85-0212-PC, 10/9/86 (see also Administrative Assistant 3, Purchasing Agent 2, and Purchasing Assistant)

Educational Services Intern Darland v. UW & DER, 89-0160-PC, 7/12/90 (also Program Assistant 2)

Education Consultant Daniels/Johnson v. DP, 81-285, 286-PC, 7/5/84 (see also Education Specialist)

Education Specialist 4 and 5 Fredrick v. DER, 84-0204-PC, 4/17/86

Education Specialist 5 Lindas v. DER, 93-0102-PC, 5/26/95 (and Education Program Specialist)

Education Specialist 6 Daniels/Johnson v. DP, 81-285, 286-PC, 7/5/84 (see also Education Consultant)

Education Program Specialist Lindas v. DER, 93-0102-PC, 5/26/95 (and Education Specialist 5)

Electronics Supervisor 3 and 4 Card v. UW & DER, 83-0198-PC, 2/2/84

Employment Security Assistant I and 2 Christensen v. DER, 86-0103-PC, 3/18/87; Rutkowski v. DER, 86-0072-PC, 1/8/87

Employment Security Assistant 1, 2 and 3 Olson v. DER, 87-0169-PC, 3/21/90

Employment Security Assistant 2 and 3 Hildebrandt v. DER, 87-0139-PC, 6/11/92

Employment Security Assistant 3 Vyas et al. v. DILHR & DER, 94-0241-PC, 2/6/95 (also Unemployment Compensation Associate 1)

Engineering Specialist Coequyt v. DER, 92-0189-PC, 8/11/93 (also Engineering Technician-Transportation-4, Traffic Signal Mechanic-Entry and Journey)

Engineering Specialist-Senior Holton v. DER & DILHR, 92-0717-PC, 1/20/95 (also Engineering Technician 5); Bloom v. DER, 92-0088-PC, 8/25/93 (also Instrument Maker-Advanced); Randall v. DER, 92-0084-PC, 8/23/93 (also Instrument Maker-Advanced); Sailor v. DER, 92-0086-PC, 8/23/93 (also Instrument Maker-Advanced)

Engineering Specialist-Senior and Advanced 1 Ksicinski v. DER, 92-0798-PC, 6/21/94; Kubala v. DER, 90-0338-PC, 92-0107-PC, 2/23/94 (also Instrument Maker-Advanced)

Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Advanced 1 Mueller v. DOT & DER, 94-0567-PC, 11/14/95 (also Civil Engineer-Transportation-Advanced 1)

Engineering Specialist - Transportation-Advanced 1 and 2 Mueller v. DOT & DER, 93-0109-PC, 2/27/97

Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Advanced 2 Hartling v. DER, 94-0275-PC, 7/24/95 (also Surveyor Advanced 2)

Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Developmental Peck v. DER, 92-0130-PC, 11/18/93 (also Engineering Technician-Transportation-3)

Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Journey Sanford v. DOT & DER, 94-0548-PC, 11/17/95; rehearing denied, 12/20/95 (also Program Assistant 3)

Yttri v. DER, 92-0261-PC, 3/9/94 (also Engineering Technician-Transportation 4); Pope v. DER, 92-0131-PC, 8/23/93 (also Traffic Signal Mechanic-Journey)

Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Journey and Senior Orvis v. DOT & DER, 93-0119-PC, 11/3/94; Lee v. DER, 90-0301-PC, 3/29/94; Kerr v. DER, 92-0195-PC, 5/20/93

Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Senior and Advanced 1 Feeney v. DER, 92-0025-PC, 6/13/96; Ratty v. DOT & DER, 95-0106-PC, 5/14/96; Ellis v. DER, 92-0548-PC, 3/9/94 (also Engineering Technician-Transportation-3)

Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Senior, Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Gerstmann v. DER, 92-0147-PC, 2/25/93 (also Engineering Technician-Transportation 4)

Engineering Technician I and 2 Heikkinen v. DOT & DER, 85-0055-PC, 3/13/86

Engineering Technician 3 and 4 Lien & Marsden v. DP, 80-27,30-PC, 4/3/81 (see also Engineering Technician 5); Millard, Eckes & Peterson v. DOT & DER, 84-0076, 0077, 0079-PC, 6/6/85; Riepl v. DOT & DP, 78-99-PC, 3/9/79; Theel v. DOT & DER, 84-0074-PC, 11/8/84

Engineering Technician 4 Doran & Kelm v. DER, 94-0277, 0278-PC, 3/7/96 (also Graphic Reproduction Technician-Senior); Pettit v. DER, 92-0145-PC, 10/24/94 (also Maintenance Mechanic 3); Burnson v. DER, 92-0096, 0847-PC, 10/24/94 (also Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Specialist and Maintenance Mechanic 3); Miller v. DER, 92-0095, 0851-PC, 9/9/94 (also Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Specialist and Maintenance Mechanic 3); Riley v. DER, 92-0097, 0849-PC, 9/9/94 (also Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Specialist and Maintenance Mechanic 3)

Engineering Technician 4 and 5 Braun & Merila v. DOT & DP, 82-144-PC, 82-159-PC, 6/9/83; Weimer v. DOT & DER, 84-0064-PC, 12/6/84

Engineering Technician 5 Holton v. DER & DILHR, 92-0717-PC, 1/20/95 (also Engineering Specialist-Senior); Lien & Marsden v. DP, 80-27,30-PC, 4/3/81 (see also Engineering Technician 3 and 4)

Engineering Technician 5 and 6 Sutton v. DP, 79-175-PC, 2/17/80

Engineering Technician-Transportation-3 Ellis v. DER, 92-0548-PC, 3/9/94 (also Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Senior and Advanced 1); Peck v. DER, 92-0130-PC, 11/18/93 (also Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Developmental)

Engineering Technician-Transportation-3 and 4 Creviston & Anderson v. DER, 92-0099-PC, 12/17/92

Engineering Technician-Transportation 3 and 5 Mertz v. DER, 92-0747-PC, 8/18/94

Engineering Technician-Transportation 4 Yttri v. DER, 92-0261-PC, 3/9/94 (also Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Journey); Coequyt v. DER, 92-0189-PC, 8/11/93 (also Engineering Specialist, Traffic Signal Mechanic-Entry and Journey); Golde v. DER, 92-0162-PC, 8/11/93 (also Traffic Signal Mechanic-Journey); Gerstmann v. DER, 92-0147-PC, 2/25/93 (also Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Senior, Advanced 1 and Advanced 2)

Environmental Analysis and Review Manager McKnight v. DER, 92-0493-PC, 5/2/94 (also Environmental Analysis and Review Specialist-Advanced and Environmental Analysis and Review Supervisor); Morrissey et al. v. DER, 92-0525, 0559-PC, 5/2/94 (also Environmental Analysis and Review Supervisor)

Environmental Analysis and Review Specialist-Advanced McKnight v. DER, 92-0493-PC, 5/2/94 (also Environmental Analysis and Review Supervisor and Environmental Analysis and Review Manager)

Environmental Analysis and Review Supervisor Morrissey et al. v. DER, 92-0525, 0559-PC, 5/2/94 (also Environmental Analysis and Review Manager); McKnight v. DER, 92-0493-PC, 5/2/94 (also Environmental Analysis and Review Specialist-Advanced and Environmental Analysis and Review Manager)

Environmental Enforcement Specialists-Senior and Advanced Roszak and Gerlat v. DER, 92-0540, 541-PC, 9/9/94

Environmental Engineer 3 and 4 Schaefer v. DNR & DP, 83-0025-PC, 8/4/83

Environmental Engineer – 6 Hockmuth v. DP, 81-76-PC, 10/27/82; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Hockmuth v. Pers. Comm., 82-CV-6130, 6/27/84; affirmed by Court of Appeals District IV, 84-1603, 9/19/85 (see also Natural Resources Administrator 3)

Environmental Engineer-Senior Kaminski et al. v. DER, 91-0121-PC, 9/30/93 (also Environmental Specialist 6)

Environmental Engineer-Senior and Advanced 1 Miller et al. v. DER, 92-0122-PC, etc., 5/5/94 (also Plumbing Plan Reviewer 2)

Environmental Engineer-Senior and Plumbing Plan Reviewer 2 Swim & Wilkinson v. DER, 92-0576, 0613-PC, 1/16/97 (also Plumbing Plan Reviewer 2)

Environmental Specialist 4 and 5 Czeshinski v. DP, 80-6-PC, 4/10/81; Doelger v. DNR & DER, 85-0011-PC, 9/26/85; Eslien v. DER, 84-0020-PC, 8/l/84; Mugan v. DNR & DER, 84-0236-PC, 10/15/85; Rasman v. DNR & DER, 85-0002-PC, 8/l/85; Reif, Russo & Sevener v. DNR & DER, 85-0005, 0006, 0012-PC, 10/23/85; Young v. DNR & DER, 84-0251-PC, 11/21/85

Environmental Specialist 5 and 6 Baggott v. DNR & DER, 87-0012-PC, 12/23/87; aff'd by Dane County Circuit Court, Baggott v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 88-CV-0366, 8/11/88; Weister v. DNR & DER, 85-0075-PC, 6/12/86

Environmental Specialist 6 Kaminski et al. v. DER, 91-0121-PC, 9/30/93 (also Environmental Engineer-Senior)

Equal Opportunity Specialist 4 Moy v. DPI & DP, 78-135-PC, 8/21/81 (see also Educational Consultant 1)

Facilities Repair Worker 1 Seay v. DER, 89-0117-PC, 1/24/91 (also Painter)

Facilities Repair Worker 3 Landphier v. DER, 90-0373-PC, 8/21/91 (also Carpenter)

Facilities Repair Worker 3 and 4 Nagorsen & Boehrig v. DOC & DER, 92-0158, 0165-PC, 12/17/92

Facility Repair Worker 1 and 2 Borowski v. DP & DOA, 79-278-PC, 3/2/81

Facility Repair Worker 2 and 3 Curtis v. UW, 79-84-PC, 1/15/79

Facility Repair Worker 3 Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen Union #8 and Radish v. DHSS, 81-367-PC, 5/28/82 (see also Bricklayer & Mason)

Financial Specialist 2 and 4 Costa & Hollister v. DER, 92-0459, 0460-PC, 5/16/94 (also Financial Specialist Supervisor 3 and 5 and Financial Supervisor 2)

Financial Specialist 3 Stein v. DER, 92-0474-PC, 8/18/94 (and Accountant - Journey)

Financial Specialist 3 and 4 McCullough v. DER, 94-0394-PC, 6/9/95

Financial Specialist Supervisor 3 and 5 Costa & Hollister v. DER, 92-0459, 0460-PC, 5/16/94 (also Financial Specialist 2 and 4 and Financial Supervisor 2)

Financial Specialist 5 and Budget Zielesch v. DER, 96-0028-PC, 8/30/96 (also Budget and Policy Analyst-Division-Senior)

Financial Supervisor 2 Costa & Hollister v. DER, 92-0459, 0460-PC, 5/16/94 (also Financial Specialist Supervisor 3 and 5 and Financial Specialist 2 and 4)

Fiscal Administrative Officer 2 Phelps v. DOR & DER, 91-0003-PC, 5/20/93 (also Fiscal Supervisor 2 and 3)

Fiscal Clerk 1 and 2 Matthews v. UW & DER, 92-0820-PC, 1/25/94

Fiscal Clerk 3 Darnell v. DP, 79-PC-CS-225, 6/3/81 (see also Program Assistant 1); Fagan v. DOC & DER, 92-0756-PC, 11/29/93 (also Program Assistant 3); Fritchen v. DP, 79-PC-CS-269, 4/29/82 (see also Account Specialist 1)

Fiscal Supervisor I and 2 Anderson v. DER, 86-0173-PC, 6/11/87

Fiscal Supervisor 2 and 3 Phelps v. DOR & DER, 91-0003-PC, 5/20/93 (also Fiscal Administrative Officer 2); Skibba v. DP, 79-242-PC, 7/28/80

Fisheries Biologist-Senior and Advanced Welch v. DER, 92-0630-PC, 5/16/94

Fisheries Management Technician 4 and 5 Coffaro & Thompson v. DER, 92-0348, 0352-PC, 7/27/94; Jahns v. DER, 92-0239-PC, 3/9/94

Fish Propagation Technician 3 and 4 Steinke v. DER, 92-0322-PC, 7/22/93

Food Inspector 2 Broske v. DER, 84-0171-PC, 1/2/85 (see also Marketing Inspector 3)

Food Production Assistant Collins v. UW & DER, 85-0165-PC, 8/20/86 (see also Cook 2)

Food Service Administrator 3 and 4 Moritz v. DHSS & DER, 92-0039-PC, 3/10/93

Food Service Worker 2 and 3 Pittz v. DHSS & DP, 79-116-PC, 1/13/81

Forester-Objective and Senior Kildow v. DER, 92-0582-PC, 7/7/94; Farr v. DER, 92-0512-PC, 5/2/94

Forester-Senior and Advanced Hujanen v. DER, 92-0314-PC, 12/5/94; Hensley v. DER, 92-0377-PC, 9/21/94

Forest Fire Control Assistant I and 2 Leer v. DNR & DER, 85-0125-PC, 10/1/86; Morgan v. DNR & DP, 83-0028-PC, 11/23/83

Forestry Manager Roberts & DeLaMater v. DER, 92-0481, 0638-PC, 3/9/94 (also Natural Resources Manager 2)

Forestry Supervisor 1 and 2 Hewett v. DER, 92-0594-PC, 9/21/94

Forestry Technician 4 and 5 Briggs v. DNR & DER, 95-0196-PC, 7/5/96; Severtson v. DNR & DER, 95-0052-PC, 10/16/95; Stensberg et al. v. DER, 92-0325-PC, etc., 2/20/95; Bernier v. DER, 92-0342-PC, 4/19/94; White v. DER, 92-0371-PC, 8/11/93; Cramey v. DER, 92-0268-PC, 6/4/93

Gardener Thomas v. DER, 94-0070-PC, 12/22/94 (also Groundskeeper)

Gardener 2 Higgins v. DOA & DER, 91-0216-PC, 8/26/92 (also Groundskeeper)

Graphic Reproduction Technician-Senior Doran & Kelm v. DER, 94-0277, 0278-PC, 3/7/96 (also Engineering Technician 4))

Groundskeeper Thomas v. DER, 94-0070-PC, 12/22/94 (also Gardener); Higgins v. DOA & DER, 91-0216-PC, 8/26/92 (also Gardener 2)

Health Services Supervisor 1 and 3 Morgan v. DER, 96-0137-PC, 8/13/97

Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC) and/or Refrigeration Specialist Burnson v. DER, 92-0096, 0847-PC, 10/24/94 (also Engineering Technician 4 and Maintenance Mechanic 3); Miller v. DER, 92-0095, 0851-PC, 9/9/94 (also Engineering Technician 4 and Maintenance Mechanic 3); Riley v. DER, 92-0097, 0849-PC, 9/9/94 (also Engineering Technician 4 and Maintenance Mechanic 3); Olson et al. v. DER, 92-0071-PC, etc., 9/9/94 (also Maintenance Mechanic 2 and 3); Peters v. DER, 92-0159-PC, 2/3/94 (also Maintenance Mechanic 3)

Housekeeping Services Supervisor 1 and 2 La Savage v. UW & DER, 90-0378-PC, 5/14/92

Industries Specialist 1, 2 and 3 Holubowicz et al. v. DHSS & DER, 88-0039-PC, 1/25/89

Housekeeping Services Supervisor 2 Keller v. UW & DER, 86-0168-PC, 4/15/87 (see also Custodial Supervisor 2)

Human Services Administrator I Sielaff v. DP, 78-2-PC, 9/5/79 (see also Social Services Supervisor 3)

Industry and Labor Training Coordinator 1 and 2 Pasqualucci v. DILHR & DP, 81-237-PC, 4/15/82

Institution Aide I and 2 Hayes v. DHSS & DP, 83-0039-PC, 9/28/83; Newbury v. DHSS & DP, 83-0018-PC, 1/6/84

Institution Aide 3 Adasiewicz v. DER, 84-0046-PC, 2/14/85 (see also Officer 2 and 3)

Institution Business Administrator 3 Gauthier v. DHSS & DER, 93-0207-PC, 7/5/96 (also Institution Management Services Director); Grams v. DOC & DER, 92-0762-PC, 6/23/93 (and Institution Management Services Director)

Institution Management Services Director Gauthier v. DHSS & DER, 93-0207-PC, 7/5/96 (also Institution Business Adminstrator 3); Grams v. DOC & DER, 92-0762-PC, 6/23/93 (and Institution Business Administrator 3)

Institution Treatment Director 2 and 3 Knight v. DER, 85-0178-PC, 9/17/86; Zoltak v. DER, 83-0239-PC, 11/8/84

Instrument Maker-Advanced Kubala v. DER, 90-0338-PC, 92-0107-PC, 2/23/94 (also Engineering Specialist-Senior and Advanced 1); Bloom v. DER, 92-0088-PC, 8/25/93 (also Engineering Specialist-Senior); Randall v. DER, 92-0084-PC, 8/23/93 (also Engineering Specialist-Senior); Sailor v. DER, 92-0086-PC, 8/23/93 (also Engineering Specialist-Senior)

Instrument Maker-Journey and Advanced Sannes v. DER, 92-0085-PC, 8/23/93; Wigglesworth v. DER, 92-0150-PC, 8/23/93

IS Enterprise Consultant/Technical Services/Enterprise Technical Consultant

Hsu v. DER, 97-0047-PC, 8/26/98 (also IS Enterprise Consultant/Technical Services/Enterprise Technical Project Manager and IS Professional/ Technical Services/Systems Software/Production Support Professional-Senior)

IS Enterprise Consultant/Technical Services/Enterprise Technical Project Manager Hsu v. DER, 97-0047-PC, 8/26/98 (also IS Enterprise Consultant/Technical Services/Enterprise Technical Consultant and IS Professional/Technical Services/Systems Software/Production Support Professional-Senior)

IS Professional/Technical Services/Systems Software/Production Support Professional-Senior Hsu v. DER, 97-0047-PC, 8/26/98 (also IS Enterprise Consultant/Technical Services/Enterprise Technical Consultant or IS Enterprise Consultant/Technical Services/Enterprise Technical Project Manager)

Job Service Assistant I Peil v. DILHR & DER, 85-0062-PC, 11/7/85 (see also Clerical Assistant I and 2)

Job Service Assistant I and 2 Kastel et al. v. DILHR & DP, 82-16, 17, 18-PC, 3/17/83

Job Service Assistant 2 and 3 Kortright v. DP, 81-454-PC, 10/7/82; Block v. DILHR & DP, 78-48-PC, 79-104-PC, 5/15/79 (see also Job Service Assistant 4)

Job Service Assistant 3 and 4 DeMarb v. DILHR & DP, 81-391-PC, 1/10/83; Kerndt v. DP, 81-151-PC, 1/10/83; Proft & Grant v. DP, 78-145,147-PC, 11/8/79; Saviano v. DP, 78-49-PC, 6/22/79; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, DER v. PC (Saviano), 79-CV-3720, 12/2/81; Sersch v. DILHR & DER, 86-0075-PC, 4/1/87; Wojciechowski v. DP, 79-PC-CS-907, 10/14/82

Job Service Assistant 4 Block v. DILHR & DP, 78-48-PC, 79-104-PC, 5/15/79 (see also Job Service Assistant 2 and 3)

Job Service Specialist 2 Magnuson v. DILHR & DP, 82-22-PC, 11/9/83 (see also Program Assistant 2)

Job Service Specialist 2 and 3 Carroll v. DER, 86-0112-PC, 1/8/87; Markert v. DILHR & DER, 89-0029-PC, 6/29/89; Pedersen v. DILHR & DP, 82-209-PC, 10/28/83

Job Service Specialist 3 and 4 Koeller v. DER, 86-0099-PC, 3/18/87

Job Service Supervisor I and 2 Wambold v. DILHR & DP, 82-161-PC, 1/20/83

Job Service Supervisor 2 and 3 Kuick v. DP, 81-68-PC, 1/27/82

Job Service Supervisor 2, 3 and 4 Conrady & Janowski v. DILHR & DP, 80-363-PC, 81-PC-ER-9 & 19, 11/9/83

Job Service Supervisor 5 and 6 Utyneck v. DP, 81-83-PC, 1/7/83

Landscape Architect Senior and Advanced 1 Aslakson et al. v. DER, 91-0135-PC, etc., 10/22/96

Laundry Worker 2 and 3 Minton v. DVA & DER, 94-0002-PC, 11/22/94; Nessler & Heineman v. DHSS & DER, 93-0004-PC, 10/20/93

Librarian I Badsha v. DP, 81-135-PC, 5/29/86; Morris v. DP, 81-0088-PC, 5/29/86; Monk v. DP, 81-0118-PC, 6/4/86; Wager v. DP, 81-0134-PC, 6/18/86; Wentworth v. DP, 81-0178-PC, 9/4/86

Librarian 1 and 2 Dayton v. DHSS & DER, 85-0021-PC, 6/11/87

Librarian 1, 2 and 3 Beane v. DP, 82-140-PC, 81-184-PC, 7/21/83; Duesterhoeft v. DER, 90-0343-PC, 12/17/92; Radovich v. DP, 81-117-PC, 7/6/83 (see also Library Associate 2 and Library Services Assistant 4)

Librarian 2 Boldt v. DP, 81-96-PC, 9/28/83; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court; Boldt v. State Pers. Comm., 83-CV-2733, 3/6/84; affirmed by Court of Appeals District 111, 84-864, 2/5/85 (see also Teacher 5)

Library Associate and Library Associate 2 Beane v. DP, 82-140-PC, 81-184-PC, 7/21/83; Radovich v. DP, 81-117-PC, 7/6/83 (see also Librarian 1, 2, 3 and Library Services Assistant 4)

Library Associate 2 and Librarian I; Badsha v. DP, 81-135-PC, 5/29/86; Beane v. DP, 82-140-PC, 81-184-PC, 7/21/83; Morris v. DP, 81-0088-PC, 5/29/86; Monk v. DP, 81-0118-PC, 6/4/86; Radovich v. DP, 81-117-PC, 7/6/83; Wager v. DP, 81-0134-PC, 6/18/86; Wentworth v. DP, 81-0178-PC, 9/4/86

Library Services Assistant 1 and 2 Manning v. UW & DER, 89-0102-PC, 12/13/90

Library Services Assistant 2 and 3 Klemmer v. UW & DER, 85-0134-PC, 9/4/86

Library Services Assistant 3 and 4 Langteau v. UW & DER, 83-0246-PC, 2/13/85; Lewis & Myers v. DP, 81-154,156-PC, 7/26/82; McClements v. DP, 81-167-PC, 5/26/82; Wasick v. DP, 81-125-PC, 10/14/82

Library Services Assistant 4 Beane v. DP, 82-140-PC, 81-184-PC, 7/21/83; Radovich v. DP, 81-117-PC, 7/6/83 (see also Librarian 1, 2, 3 and Library Associate)

Library Services Assistant 5 Curtis v. DP, 81-192-PC, 4/15/82 (see also Program Assistant 3 and 4)

Library Services Assistant-Senior and Advanced Doyle v. DER, 94-0191-PC, 5/26/95; Sandow v. DER, 94-0180-PC, 3/8/95

Licensing and Vehicle Representative I and 2 Krewson et al. v. DP, 78-23-PC, 5/18/79

Maintenance Mechanic 1 and 2 Baker et al. v. DER, 92-0087-PC, 1/8/93; Conkle v. DOA & DP, 81-100-PC, 12/16/81

Maintenance Mechanic 2 and 3 Olson et al. v. DER, 92-0071-PC, etc., 9/9/94 (also Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Specialist)

Maintenance Mechanic 3 Pettit v. DER, 92-0145-PC, 10/24/94 (also Engineering Technician 4); Peters v. DER, 92-0159-PC, 2/3/94 (also Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC) and/or Refrigeration Specialist)

Maintenance Mechanic 3 Burnson v. DER, 92-0096, 0847-PC, 10/24/94 (also Engineering Technician 4 and Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Specialist); Miller v. DER, 92-0095, 0851-PC, 9/9/94 (also Engineering Technician 4 and Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Specialist) Riley v. DER, 92-0097, 0849-PC, 9/9/94 (also Engineering Technician 4 and Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Specialist)

Maintenance Supervisor I and 2 Coffey v. UW & DER, 86-0141-PC, 7/22/87; Critchley v. UW & DER, 86-0037-PC, 1/8/87

Management Information Manager 3 Neuman v. DP, 79-373-PC, 6/3/81 (see also Management Information Supervisor 6 - Management)

Management Information Specialist Ellsworth & Parrell v. DP, 83-0021, 0022-PC, 8/23/83 (see also Data Processing Operations Technician 2)

Management Information Specialist 1 and 2 Whitmore v. DP, 82-10, 188-PC, 3/31/83 (see also Data Processing Operations Technician 2)

Management Information Specialist 2 and 3 Mergen v. UW & DER, 91-0247-PC, 11/13/92

Management Information Specialist 3 and 4 Inkmann v. UW & DER, 85-0187-PC, 1/9/86

Management Information Specialist 4 and 5 Poore v. DILHR & DER, 88-0007-PC, 9/8/88

Management Information Specialist 5 Martin v. UW & DER, 85-0092-PC, 1/9/86 (see also Data Processing Operator 3)

Management Information Specialist 5 and 6 Cepress v. DP, 80-16-PC, 6/3/81; Holmblad v. DP, 79-334-PC, 12/8/80

Management Information Supervisor 3 Biba v. DP, 79-367-PC, 4/23/81 (see also Administrative Assistant 3 and 4 - Supervisor)

Management Information Supervisor 5 and 6 Ballhorn v. DILHR & DER, 87-0012-PC, 12/23/87; Nell v. DP, 78-224-PC, 6/29/79; Polenz v. DP, 79-377-PC, 11/4/80

Management Information Supervisor 6 – Management Neuman v. DP, 79-373-PC, 6/3/81 (see also Management Information Manager 3)

Management Information Supervisor 6 and 7 Ford v. DER, 84-0032-PC, 10/1/84

Management Information Supervisor 2 and 3 Mergen v. UW & DP, 83-0064-PC, 2/15/84

Management Information Technician 2 and 3 Lulling & Arneson v. DER, 88-0136, 0137-PC, 9/13/89 (also Typesetting Input Operator 2)

Management Information Technician 3 Taylor v. DER, 91-0232-PC, 2/8/93 (and Program Assistant 4)

Management Information Technician 3 and 4 Davidson v. DP, 81-291-PC, 1/20/83

Marketing Inspector 3 Broske v. DER, 84-0171-PC, 1/2/85 (see also Food Inspector 2)

Mechanical Engineer-Advanced 1 and 2 Tilley v. DER, 90-0334-PC, 1/8/93

Media Supervisor 1 Andrewjeski v. DER, 90-0212-PC, 5/16/91 (also Media Technician 4)

Media Technician 2 and 3 Medora, et al. v. DER, 90-0324-PC, etc., 9/18/92; Gerseth & Crisp v. DER, 90-0205, 0206-PC, 6/12/91; Gosz v. DER, 90-0192-PC, 5/29/91; Zastrow v. DER, 90-0208-PC, 5/29/91

Media Technician 3 and 4 Hecox & Hillestad v. DER, 96-0043, 0045-PC, 1/16/97; Boetcher v. DER, 90-0204-PC, 5/16/91

Media Technician 4 Andrewjeski v. DER, 90-0212-PC, 5/16/91 (also Media Supervisor 1)

Medical Technologist 2 and 3 Hayford v. UW & DER, 90-0103-PC, 4/5/91; Olson v. UW & DER, 90-0114-PC, 1/11/91

Medical Technologist-Objective and Senior Fosshage v. DER, 92-0395-PC, 3/31/94

Medical Technologist-Senior and Advanced Gallagher v. DER, 92-0335-PC, 4/19/94

Motor Vehicle Inspector I and 2 Kotecki et al. v. DOT & DP, 83-34,etc.-PC, 8/4/82

Motor Vehicle Representative 4 Oestreicher et al. v. DP, 83-0077-PC, 4/11/84 (see also Program Assistant 4)

Motor Vehicle Representative 4 and 5 Zerbel et al. v. DOT & DER, 87-0032-PC, 2/11/88

Natural Resource Administrator 2 and 3 Moore v. DNR & DER, 92-0761-PC, 5/2/94; Batha v. DER, 90-0134-PC, 6/12/91; Moore v. DER, 90-0142-PC, 1/24/91; Priegel v. DER, 90-0135-PC, 11/1/90

Natural Resources Administrator 3 Hockmuth v. DP, 81-76-PC, 10/27/82; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Hockmuth v. Pers. Comm., 82-CV-6130, 6/27/84; affirmed by Court of Appeals District IV, 84-1603, 9/19/85 (see also Environmental Engineer 6)

Natural Resources Assistant 2 Cody et al. v. DNR & DER, 82-214,etc.-PC, 6/26/84; Dobratz v. DNR & DP, 82-40-PC, 2/9/83 (see also Natural Resources Technician 1)

Natural Resources Assistant 2 Dobratz v. DNR & DP, 82-40-PC, 2/9/83; Johnson v. DNR & DER, 85-0206-PC, 5/16/86 (see also Natural Resources Technician 1)

Natural Resources Educator-Objective and Senior Kurowski v. DER, 92-0441-PC, 4/19/94

Natural Resources Engineer-Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Mangardi v. DER, 90-0335-PC, 3/29/94

Natural Resources Manager 2 Roberts & DeLaMater v. DER, 92-0481, 0638-PC, 3/9/94 (also Forestry Manager)

Natural Resources Patrol Officer 1 and 2 Harpster v. DNR & DER, 83-0216-PC, 5/9/84; Tiser v. DNR & DER, 83-0217-PC, 10/10/84

Natural Resources Specialist 2 Duerst v. DNR & DER, 90-0188-PC, 1/11/91 (also Natural Resources Technician 2 and 3)

Natural Resources Specialist 3 and 4 Jones v. DNR & DER, 85-0217-PC, 1/24/86

Natural Resources Specialist 4 and 5 Lochner v. DNR & DER, 88-0094-PC, 9/8/89; Hansen v. DNR, 85-0119-PC, 3/19/86; Hess v. DNR & DER, 85-0104-PC, 11/23/88; Trapp v. DNR & DER, 87-0196-PC, 6/8/88

Natural Resources Specialist 6 and 7 Hensley v. DER, 85-0074-PC, 12/19/85

Natural Resources Specialist 7 and 8 Miller v. DER, 85-0066-PC, 4/16/86

Natural Resources Specialist Administrator 2 Ellingson v. DNR & DER, 93-0057-PC, 5/28/96 (also Natural Resources Specialist 7-Management)

Natural Resources Specialist 7-Management Ellingson v. DNR & DER, 93-0057-PC, 5/28/96 (also Natural Resources Specialist Administrator 2)

Natural Resources Supervisor I and 2 Horstman v. DER, 85-0085-PC, 3/13/86

Natural Resources Supervisor 2 and 3 Borkenhagen v. DER, 85-0076-PC, 5/15/86; Mertz v. DNR & DER, 90-0250-PC, 5/1/91

Natural Resources Supervisor 3 and 4 Bever v. DNR & DER, 92-0749-PC, 3/10/93

Natural Resources Technician 1 Cody et al. v. DNR & DER, 82-214,etc.-PC, 6/26/84; Dobratz v. DNR & DP, 82-40-PC, 2/9/83; Johnson v. DNR & DER, 85-0206-PC, 5/16/86 (see also Natural Resources Assistant 2)

Natural Resources Technician I and 2 Siegler v. DNR & DP, 82-206-PC, 12/7/83

Natural Resources Technician 2 and 3 Ketter v. DNR & DER, 90-0342-PC, 4/5/91; Duerst v. DNR & DER, 90-0188-PC, 1/11/91 (also Natural Resources Specialist 2); Smetana v. DNR & DER, 89-0055-PC, 2/12/90

Nurse Clinician 2 and 3 Christofferson et al. v. DER & UW, 90-0058-PC, etc., 11/27/90

Nurse Clinician 3 and 4 Leahy-Gross & Langhoff v. UW & DER, 90-0035, 0086-PC, 8/26/92

Nursing Consultant 1 and 2 Brink v. DHSS & DER, 91-0061-PC, 8/26/92

Nursing Instructor 2 Whiting v. DHSS & DER, 90-0066-PC, 1/24/92 (also Nursing Specialist 2)

Nursing Specialist 2 Foris v. DHSS & DER, 90-0065-PC, 1/24/92 (also Public Health Nurse 2) Whiting v. DHSS & DER, 90-0066-PC, 1/24/92 (also Nursing Instructor 2)

Nursing Supervisor 1 and 2 Siewert v. DER, 91-0235-PC, 9/18/92

Officer 2 and 3 Adasiewicz v. DER, 84-0046-PC, 2/14/85 (see also Institution Aide 3)

Officer 2 and 3 Engebregsten v. DHSS & DER, 85-0156-PC, 3/13/86

Officer 4 and 5 Eschenfeldt v. DP & DHSS, 78-257-PC, 7/22/81; affirmed except as to remedy by Dane County Circuit Court, DHSS v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 81-CV-5126, 4/27/83

Officer 5 and 6 Bleich v. DHSS & DP, 79-274-PC, 6/3/81; Fredisdorf et al. v. DP, 80-300-PC, 3/19/82; Karlen v. DHSS & DP, 82-204-PC, 3/31/83; Nitschke v. DP & DHSS, 80-293-PC, 9/23/82; Zhe v. DP, 80-285, 286, 292, 296-PC, 11/19/81; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Zhe et al. v. Pers. Comm., 81-CV-6492, 11/2/82

Offset Press Operator I Schmitz v. DP, 79-PC-CS-767, 10/2/81 (see also Clerical Assistant 2)

Offset Press Operator 2 and 3 Post v. DER, 83-0213-PC, 5/24/84

Painter Seay v. DER, 89-0117-PC, 1/24/91 (also Facilities Repair Worker 1)

Park Manager 2 and 3 Leiterman v. DER, 92-0557-PC, 9/9/94

Park Superintendent 1 and 2 Olson v. DNR & DER, 89-0007-PC, 9/20/89 (also Ranger 3)

Park Superintendent 2 and 3 Miller v. DNR & DER, 90-0202-PC, 12/13/90; Brandt v. DNR & DER, 87-0155-PC, 11/3/88; Eldred v. DNR & DER, 87-0158-PC, 11/3/88

Park Superintendent 4 and 5 Leith v. DNR & DER, 87-0154-PC, 11/3/88

Park Supervisor I and 2 Farrar v. DNR & DER, 84-0127-PC, 1/17/85

Parole Board Member Fulk et al. v. DHSS & DER, 95-0004-PC, etc., 4/4/96 (also Social Services Specialist 2-Juvenile Review Specialist)

Payroll and Benefits Assistant Taylor & Edge v. DER, 92-0070-PC, 4/30/93 (and Payroll and Benefits Specialist 2)

Payroll and Benefits Assistant 1 and 2 Katzmark v. DNR & DER, 91-0073-PC, 4/17/92

Payroll and Benefits Assistant 3 and 4 Kingzett v. UW & DER, 90-0417-PC, 1/24/92

Payroll & Benefits Assistant 4 Kirchesh v. DP, 80-356-PC, 2/18/82 (see also Administrative Assistant 3)

Payroll and Benefits Specialist I and 2 Sowle v. DP, 79-118-PC, 11/7/80

Payroll and Benefits Specialist 2 Taylor & Edge v. DER, 92-0070-PC, 4/30/93 (and Payroll and Benefits Assistant)

Payroll and Benefits Specialist 2 and 3 Bauhs & Lilley v. DP, 78-188, 189-PC, 1/15/79; Haasl v. DER, 92-0125-PC, 9/8/93

Payroll and Benefits Specialist 3 and 4 Albedyll v. DER, 95-0087-PC, 5/21/97

Payroll and Benefits Specialist 3 and 4-Confidential Langkamp et al. v. DER, 92-0160-PC, etc., 12/17/92

Payroll and Benefits Specialist 3-Confidential and 4-Confidential Reithmeyer v. DER, 92-0136-PC, 12/10/92

Personnel Administrative Officer I and 2 Lawton v. DP, 81-47-PC, 12/16/81 (see also Administrative Officer 1) (see also Personnel Specialist 5)

Personnel Assistant I and 2 Johnson v. DP, 79-45-PC, 9/14/79

Personnel Assistant 2 Gold v. UW & DER, 91-0032-PC, 6/11/92 (also Personnel Manager 2 and 3 and Personnel Specialist 1, 2 and 3); Mann v. DP, 79-PC-CS-612, 11/14/80 (see also Program Assistant 3 - Confidential)

Personnel Manager 2 and 3 Gold v. UW & DER, 91-0032-PC, 6/11/92 (also Personnel Assistant 2 and Personnel Specialist 1, 2 and 3)

Personnel Manager 3 and 4 Shepard et al. v. DP, 80-234,237,239-PC, 6/3/81

Personnel Manager 4 and 5 Barry v. DP, 80-346-PC, 11/19/81

Personnel Specialist 1, 2 and 3 Gold v. UW & DER, 91-0032-PC, 6/11/92 (also Personnel Assistant 2 and Personnel Manager 2 and 3)

Personnel Specialist 5 Lawton v. DP, 81-47-PC, 12/16/81 (see also Administrative Officer 1) (see also Personnel Administrative Officer I and 2)

Personnel Specialist 5 and 6 Belongia v. DP, 79-263-PC, 6/30/81

Planning and Analysis Administrator 2 Pamperin v. DER, 83-0191-PC, 4/25/85; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Pamperin v. State Pers. Comm., 85-CV-2700, 10/30/85 (see also Civil Engineer 6 and 7 - Transportation Management and Research Administrator 1)

Planning Analyst 2 and 3 Chatfield v. DOT & DER, 83-0171-PC, 3/14/84

Planning Analyst 3 and 4 Byrd v. DP, 81-350-PC, 11/24/82

Planning Analyst 3, 4, 5, 6 (Mgmt.), and 7 (Mgmt.) Kennedy et al. v. DP, 81-180,etc.-PC, 1/6/84 (see also Civil Engineer 3 - Transportation)

Planning Analyst 4 DOT (Potts) v. DP, 80-362-PC, 6/25/82; Jacobs v. DER, 83-0123-PC, 4/23/85 (see also Research Analyst 4); Oghalai v. DER, 83-0161-PC, 11/8/84 (see also Program and Planning Analyst 6 and Social Services Specialist 2)

Plant Industry Specialist 3 and 4 Kramer v. DATCP & DP, 80-197-PC, 3/4/83

Police Captain Bauer v. DER, 84-0116-PC, 4/12/85 (see also Police Lieutenant)

Police Officer 2 Thomsen et al. v. DER, 84-0202-PC, 6/18/85 (see also Security Officer 4)

Police Lieutenant Bauer v. DER, 84-0116-PC, 4/12/85 (see also Police Captain)

Plumbing Plan Reviewer 2 Swim & Wilkinson v. DER, 92-0576, 0613-PC, 1/16/97 (also Environmental Engineer – Senior); Miller et al. v. DER, 92-0122-PC, etc., 5/5/94 (also Environmental Engineer-Senior and Advanced 1)

Power Plant Operator 2 and 3 Mares et al. v. DOC & DER, 91-0002-PC, 12/12/91

Private Sewage Plan Reviewer 2 Stanlick v. DER, 94-0157-PC, 10/16/97 (also Wastewater Engineer-Senior)

Procurement Specialist-Senior Sutton et al. v. DER, 94-0556-PC, etc., 11/14/95 (also Purchasing Agent-Senior); McMullen v. DER, 97-0110-PC, 7/1/98

Program Assistant 1 Billingsly & Williams et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-62,etc., 10/2/81 (see also Clerical Assistant 2) (see also Typist); Botz v. UW & DP, 83-0063-PC, 12/7/83; Brazeu & Johnson v. DP, 79-PC-CS-357, 9/4/81; Burkhalter v. DP, 80-389-PC, 11/19/81 (see also Typist); Clover et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-165,etc., 1/27/82 (see also Program Assistant 2 and 3); Darnell v. DP, 79-PC-CS-225, 6/3/81 (see also Fiscal Clerk 3); Foster v. DOT & DER, 89-0008-PC, 10/25/89 (also Clerical Assistant 1 and 2); Haak v. DHSS & DER, 85-0130-PC, 4/30/86; Harris v. UW & DER, 87-0046-PC, 9/26/88 (also Typist); Hellenbrand v. DNR & DER, 87-0188-PC, 6/15/88 (see also Clerical Assistant 2); Kundiger et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-327, 329, 703-PC, 10/2/81 (see also Clerical Assistant 2); Lyons v. DP, 79-PC-CS-468, 12/3/81 (see also Program Assistant 2); Marty v. DP, 79-PC-CS-587, 12/8/80 (see also Typist); McIntosh v. DP & UW, 81-442-PC, 8/5/82 (see also Program Assistant 2 and 3); Nickel & Standish v. DP, 79-PC-CS-774, 629, 2/17/81 (see also Clerical Assistant 2); Praninskas v. DP, 79-PC-CS-653, 4/23/81; Rotter v. DP, 79-PC-CS-749, 4/23/81 (see also Typist); Showers v. DP, 79-PC-CS-699, 9/3/82 (see also Clerical Assistant 2); Smart v. UW & DER, 87-0002-PC, 11/4/87 (see also Program Assistant 2 and 3); Taylor v. DOR & DER, 90-0387-PC, 6/27/91 (also Clerical Assistant 1)

Program Assistant 1 and 2 Boldon v. DATCP & DER, 89-0141-PC, 10/4/90; Crary v. DNR & DER, 89-0133-PC, 6/1/90 (also Storekeeper 1 and 2); Dombrowski v. UW & DER, 88-0054-PC, 11/30/88; Dunn-Herfel v. DOJ & DER, 94-0043-PC, 12/14/94; Ferguson v. DP, 80-386-PC, 2/18/82; Gebhart v. UW & DER, 84-0023-PC, 12/20/84; Hopwood v. UW & DP, 83-0013-PC, 5/25/83 (see also Secretary 1); LeBoeuf v. DNR & DER, 93-0026-PC, 11/23/93; Ratchman v. UW-Oshkosh & DER, 86-0219-PC, 11/18/87; Shaffer v. UW & DER, 88-0106-PC, 1/12/89; Voltz v. DP, 82-171-PC, 1/18/84

Program Assistant 2 Darland v. UW & DER, 89-0160-PC, 7/12/90 (also Educational Services Intern); Kirkeeng v. DP, 79-PC-CS-531, 12/8/82 (see also Secretary I & Typist); Klitzke v. UW (Whitewater), 85-0022-PC, 6/18/85 (see also Secretary I and Typist); Lyons v. DP, 79-PC-CS-468, 12/3/81 (see also Program Assistant 1); Magnuson v. DILHR & DP, 82-22-PC, 11/9/83 (see also Job Service Specialist 2); Schroth v. DP, 79-PC-CS-935, 11/19/81 (see also Typist - Lead)

Program Assistant 2 and 3 Baldwin v. UW & DER, 82-87-PC, 1/20/83; Clover et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-165,etc., 1/27/82 (see also Program Assistant 1); Gilbert v. DOA & DER, 90-0397-PC, 8/16/91; Havel-Lang v. DHSS & DER, 91-0052-PC, 8/26/92; Johnson v. UW-Eau Claire & DER, 85-0198-PC, 9/17/86; McGrew v. UW & DP, 81-443-PC, 1/7/83; McIntosh v. DP & UW, 81-442-PC, 8/5/82 (see also Program Assistant 1); Olbrantz v. DHSS & DER, 84-0065-PC, 9/12/84; Pedretti v. UW & DER, 88-0070-PC, 5/3/89; Schermerhorn v. DP, 79-PC-CS-778, 11/24/80; Smart v. UW & DER, 87-0002-PC, 11/4/87 (see also Program Assistant 1)

Program Assistant 2 and 4 Walker v. DER, 85-0020-PC, 11/25/85

Program Assistant 2, 3 and 4 Sopher v. UW & DER, 89-0112-PC, 5/4/90

Program Assistant 3 Crocker v. DOT, 81-28-PC, 12/18/81 (see also Storekeeper 2); Fagan v. DOC & DER, 92-0756-PC, 11/29/93 (also Fiscal Clerk 3); Sanford v. DOT & DER, 94-0548-PC, 11/17/95; rehearing denied, 12/20/95 (also Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Journey)

Program Assistant 3 – Confidential Mann v. DP, 79-PC-CS-612, 11/14/80 (see also Personnel Assistant 2)

Program Assistant 3 and 4 Akey v. DNR & DER, 92-0843-PC, 6/21/94; Beaumier v. DNR & DER, 90-0203-PC, 1/24/91; Cernohous v. UW & DER, 89-0131-PC, 9/13/90; Curtis v. DP, 81-192-PC, 4/15/82 (see also Library Services Assistant 5); Klein v. UW & DER, 91-0208-PC, 2/8/93 (also Administrative Assistant 3); Lehr v. DILHR & DER, 93-0006-PC, 8/23/93; MacKenzie v. UW & DER, 91-0028-PC, 1/24/92; Miller v. DHSS & DER, 91-0129-PC, 5/1/92; Olson v. DOA & DER, 92-0731-PC, 2/3/94; Schmidt v. Sec. of State & DER, 89-0129-PC, 1/11/91; Spilde v. DOA & DER, 92-0155-PC, 7/22/93

Program Assistant 3-Confidential and 4-Confidential Mann v. DER, 83-0245-PC, 8/1/84; Marks v. DOA & DER, 90-0421-PC, 10/31/91 (also Secretary 2); Christensen v. DNR & DER, 90-0368-PC, 5/16/91 (also Administrative Assistant 3 and Program Assistant Supervisor 2)

Program Assistant 4 Buchen v. DP, 82-151-PC, 8/17/83 (see also Administrative Assistant 3); Fonte v. UW & DP, 82-131-PC, 4/15/83 (see also Secretary 3); Gums & Snart v. DP, 79-PC-CS-299, 695, 1/27/81 (see also Administrative Assistant 3) (see also Program Assistant Supervisor 3); Krueger v. DP, 80-308-PC, 9/3/81 (see also Administrative Assistant 3); Meschefske v. DP, 80-37-PC, 1/8/81 (see also Administrative Assistant 3); Oestreicher et al. v. DP, 83-0077-PC, 4/11/84 (see also Motor Vehicle Representative 4); Taylor v. DER, 91-0232-PC, 2/8/93 (and Management Information Technician 3); Lathrop v. DER, 97-0004-PC, 3/11/98 (also Administrative Assistant 3)

Program Assistant Supervisor 1 Cuff v. DP, 79-PC-CS-100, 12/17/80 (see also Clerical Supervisor 2)

Program Assistant Supervisor I and 2 Forbush v. DP, 79-PC-CS-270, 1/27/82

Program Assistant Supervisor 2 Christensen v. DNR & DER, 90-0368-PC, 5/16/91 (also Administrative Assistant 3 and Program Assistant 3-Confidential and 4-Confidential); Wedul v. DOT & DER, 85-0118-PC, 2/6/86 (see also Administrative Assistant 3 - Confidential)

Program Assistant Supervisor 2 and 3 Carroll v. DHSS & DER, 93-0012-PC, 5/27/94

Program Assistant Supervisor 3 Gums & Snart v. DP, 79-PC-CS-299, 695, 1/27/81 (see also Administrative Assistant 3) (see also Program Assistant 4); Holzbauer v. DILHR & DER, 87-0074-PC, 1/13/88 (see also Shipping and Mailing Supervisor 2)

Program and Planning Analyst 3 Piotrowski v. DER, 84-0010-PC, 12/20/84 (see also Community Services Technician 2

Program and Planning Analyst 4 and 5 Maher (Eiseley) v. DHSS & DER, 85-0192-PC, 9/4/86

Program and Planning Analyst 6 Oghalai v. DER, 83-0161-PC, 11/8/84 (see also Planning Analyst 4 and Social Services Specialist 2)

Property Assessment Specialist 4 and 2 Bornfleth v. DER, 85-0200-PC, 5/29/86

Property Assessment Supervisor 1 and 2 Behling v. DOR & DER, 88-0060-PC, 12/14/89

Psychologist 5-Doctorate (Management) and 6-Doctorate (Management) Miller v. DHSS & DER, 92-0840-PC, 1/25/94

Psychologist Supervisor 1-Doctorate and 2-Doctorate Hagan v. DHSS & DER, 92-0803-PC, 10/27/95

Public Health Nurse 2 Foris v. DHSS & DER, 90-0065-PC, 1/24/92 (also Nursing Specialist 2)

Public Health Nurse 2 and 3 Bartko v. DHSS & DP, 81-341-PC, 4/2/82

Public Information Officer 4 O'Brien v. DOT & DER, 91-0221-PC, 6/25/93 (also Community Services Specialist 1 and 2, Administrative Assistant 3 and 4)

Public Service Engineer 4 and 5 Arny v. PSC & DER, 86-0200-PC, 10/27/87

Public Service Engineer-Journey and Senior Stemrich v. DER, 91-0058-PC, 6/4/93

Purchasing Agent 1 and 2 Kilbreth v. UW & DP, 81-463-PC, 1/2/85 (see also Purchasing Assistant); Saindon v. DER, 85-0212-PC, 10/9/86 (see also Administrative Assistant 3, Educational Services Assistant I and 2 and Purchasing Assistant)

Purchasing Agent 1 Supervisor Christensen v. DNR & DER, 89-0097-PC, 90-0125-PC, 11/16/90 (also Administrative Assistant 4 Confidential/Supervisor)

Purchasing Agent-Objective and Senior Berg v. UW & DER, 96-0110-PC, 5/7/97

Purchasing Agent-Senior Sutton et al. v. DER, 94-0556-PC, etc., 11/14/95 (also Procurement Specialist-Senior)

Purchasing Agent Supervisor 2 and 3 Miller v. DER, 95-0077-PC, 4/4/96

Purchasing Assistant Kilbreth v. UW & DP, 81-463-PC, 1/2/85 (see also Purchasing Agent I and 2); Saindon v. DER, 85-0212-PC, 10/9/86 (see also Administrative Assistant 3, Educational Services Assistant I and 2 and Purchasing Agent I and 2)

Ranger 1 and 2 Foss v. DER, 95-0048-PC, 2/10/97; Lane v. DER, 95-0064-PC, 2/10/97; Nordstrom v. DER, 95-0061-PC, 2/10/97; Olson v. DER, 95-0062-PC, 2/10/97; Ostrowski v. DER, 95-0049-PC, 2/10/97; Ripp v. DER, 95-0047-PC, 12/7/95

Ranger 3 Olson v. DNR & DER, 89-0007-PC, 9/20/89 (also Park Superintendent 1 and 2)

Real Estate Agent 2, 3 and 4 Johnson v. DOT & DER, 81-326-PC, 3/17/83; Raup v. DOT & DP, 80-153-PC, 82-0172-PC, 8/4/83

Real Estate Agent 4 and 5 Jobelius & Herald v. DP, 80-306, 250-PC, 1/8/82

Real Estate Specialist-Journey and Senior Johnson v. DER, 94-0332-PC, 12/20/95

Real Estate Specialist-Senior and Advanced Mortensen v. DER, 94-0276-PC, 12/7/95

Regulation and Compliance Investigator 3 and 4 Augustine & Brown v. DATCP [& DER], 84-0036, 0037-PC, 9/12/84; Blair v. DER, 84-0098-PC, 11/8/84; Dolphin v. DATCP & DP, 79-64-PC, 7/26/82

Regulation Compliance Investigation Supervisor I Froh & Lach v. DER, 84-0130, 0136-PC, 2/13/85

Regulation Compliance Investigation Supervisor 2 and 3 Rhodes v. DOT & DER, 96-0024-PC, 8/5/96

Research Administrator I Pamperin v. DER, 83-0191-PC, 4/25/85; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Pamperin v. State Pers. Comm., 85-CV-2700, 10/30/85 (see also Civil Engineer 6 and 7 - Transportation Management and Planning and Analysis Administrator 2)

Research Analyst 1 Braith v. DER, 83-0105-PC, 4/25/84 (see also Research Technician 2)

Research Analyst 2 and 3 Schultz v. DER, 83-0119-PC, 84-0252-PC, 85-0029-PC-ER,; Schultz v. DER & DILHR, 84-0015-PC-ER, 8/5/87; Vranes v. DER, 83-0122-PC, 7/19/84 (see also Research Technician 3)

Research Analyst 4 Jacobs v. DER, 83-0123-PC, 4/23/85 (see also Planning Analyst 4)

Research Analyst 4 and 5 Brassington v. DHSS & DER, 92-0038-PC, 2/8/93; Kelekovich v. DER, 83-0112-PC, 10/26/84; Powers v. DP, 80-270-PC, 9/23/81

Research Analyst 6 Novak v. DER, 83-0104-PC, 1/17/85 (see also Civil Engineer 5 and 6 - Transportation Supervisor)

Research Technician 2 Braith v. DER, 83-0105-PC, 4/25/84 (see also Research Analyst 1)

Research Technician 3 Schultz v. DER, 83-0119-PC, 84-0252-PC, 85-0029-PC-ER,; Schultz v. DER & DILHR, 84-0015-PC-ER, 8/5/87; Vranes v. DER, 83-0122-PC, 7/19/84 (see also Research Analyst 2 and 3)

Resident Care Supervisor Steinhauer et al. v. DER, 90-0216-PC, 3/30/93 (and Social Services Supervisor 1)

Revenue Administrator 1 and 2 Jenkins v. DOR & DER, 88-0061-PC, 5/31/89

Revenue Administrator 2 and 3 Davison et al. v. DER, 90-0243,0263-PC, 5/1/91

Revenue Agent 2 and 3 Frisch v. DOR& DER, 92-0744-PC, 1/20/95 (also Tax Conferee 1)

Revenue Agent 3 and 4 Schmidt v. DER, 90-0246-PC, 3/10/93; Mertens v. DER, 90-0237-PC, 8/8/91

Revenue Auditor 2, 3, 4 and 5 Mincy v. DER, 90-0229-PC, 8/28/91; rehearing denied 10/3/91 (also Revenue Tax Specialist 1 and 2)

Revenue Auditor 3 Wenzel v. DOR & DER, 96-0037-PC, 11/14/96 (also Revenue Tax Specialist 1)

Revenue Auditor 4 and 5 Reppen v. DER, 90-0239-PC, 4/5/91

Revenue Tax Specialist 1 Wenzel v. DOR & DER, 96-0037-PC, 11/14/96 (also Revenue Auditor 3)

Revenue Tax Specialist 1 and 2 Mincy v. DER, 90-0229-PC, 8/28/91; rehearing denied 10/3/91 (also Revenue Auditor 2, 3, 4 and 5)

Safety Coordinator 1 LaRose v. DP, 82-205-PC, 12/23/83 (see also Administrative Assistant 3 and 4)

Secretary I Hopwood v. UW & DP, 83-0013-PC, 5/25/83 (see also Program Assistant 1 and 2); Kirkeeng v. DP, 79-PC-CS-531, 12/8/82 (see also Program Assistant 2 and Typist)

Secretary 1 – Confidential Lowe v. DP, 79-PC-CS-591, 9/30/82 (see also Program Assistant 4)

Secretary 2 Fonte v. UW & DP, 82-131-PC, 4/15/83 (see also Program Assistant 4); Marks v. DOA & DER, 90-0421-PC, 10/31/91 (also Program Assistant 3-Confidential and 4-Confidential)

Security Officer 2 and 3 Voigt v. DER, 84-0113-PC, 6/6/85

Security Officer 3 Cox v. DER, 92-0806-PC, 11/3/94 (also Police Officer 2)

Security Officer 4 Thomsen et al. v. DER, 84-0202-PC, 6/18/85 (see also Police Officer 2)

Shipping and Mailing Clerk 1 and 2 Anderson & Parrish v. DER, 94-0075, 0076-PC, 8/8/95; Bender v. DOA & DP, 80-210-PC, 7/1/81; McCord v. DER, 85-0147-PC, 3/13/86; Ripp v. UW & DER, 91-0057-PC, 11/14/91

Shipping and Mailing Supervisor 1 and 2 Patterson v. DER, 94-0098-PC, 12/7/95

Shipping and Mailing Supervisor 2 Holzbauer v. DILHR & DER, 87-0074-PC, 1/13/88 (see also Program Assistant Supervisor 3)

Shipping and Mailing Supervisor 2 and 3 Burgus v. DP, 81-38-PC, 7/21/81

Social Services Specialist 1 Meyer-Grover et al. v. DER, 94-1011-PC, etc., 1/23/96 (also Social Worker-Senior)

Social Services Specialist 1 and 2 Moran & Kaeske v. DER, 90-0372, 0382-PC, 1/11/94; Murphy v. DHFS & DER, 98-0013-PC, 3/24/99; affirmed Dane County Circuit Court, 99-CV-0944, 2/16/00

Social Services Specialist 2-Juvenile Review Specialist Fulk et al. v. DHSS & DER, 95-0004-PC, etc., 4/4/96 (also Parole Board Member)

Social Services Specialist 2 Oghalai v. DER, 83-0161-PC, 11/8/84 (see also Planning Analyst 4 and Program and Planning Analyst 6)

Social Services Specialist 2-Juvenile Review Specialist Fulk et al. v. DHSS & DER, 95-0004-PC, etc., 4/4/96 (also Parole Board Member)

Social Services Specialist 2 and 3 Conroy & Nelson v. DER, 84-0047, 0048-PC, 11/21/84

Social Services Specialist 2 and 3 – Confidential Pilster-Pearson v. DER, 84-0078-PC, 12/6/84 (see also Administrative Assistant 5 - Confidential)

Social Services Supervisor 1 Steinhauer et al. v. DER, 90-0216-PC, 3/30/93 (and Resident Care Supervisor)

Social Service Supervisor 3 Sielaff v. DP, 78-2-PC, 9/5/79 (see also Human Services Administrator 1)

Social Worker-Senior Meyer-Grover et al. v. DER, 94-1011-PC, etc., 1/23/96 (also Social Services Specialist 1)

State Patrol Inspector I and II DOT et al. v. DER, 84-0071, etc.-PC, 9/20/85; reversed by Dane County Circuit Court, DER v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 85-CV-5383, 7/9/86; reversed by Court of Appeals District IV, 86-1483, 1/22/87

Steamfitter-Supervisor, Lead Craftsworker Doan v. DP, 78-11-PC, 4/15/82

Stenographer 3 Lloyd v. UW, 78-127-PC, 8/30/79 (see also Administrative Secretary 1)

Stock Clerk Jacobson v. DER, 94-0147-PC, 4/20/95 (and Storekeeper)

Stock Clerk 1 Doemel v. DER, 94-0146-PC, 5/18/95 (and Storekeeper); Pockat v. DER, 94-0148-PC, 5/18/95 (and Storekeeper); Strey v. DER, 94-0150-PC, 5/18/95 (and Storekeeper)

Storekeeper Doemel v. DER, 94-0146-PC, 5/18/95 (and Stock Clerk 1); Pockat v. DER, 94-0148-PC, 5/18/95 (and Stock Clerk 1); Strey v. DER, 94-0150-PC, 5/18/95 (and Stock Clerk 1); Jacobson v. DER, 94-0147-PC, 4/20/95 (and Stock Clerk)

Storekeeper 1 and 2 Crary v. DNR & DER, 89-0133-PC, 6/1/90 (also Program Assistant 1 and 2)

Storekeeper 2 Crocker v. DOT, 81-28-PC, 12/18/81 (see also Program Assistant 3)

Student Admissions Examiner 1 and 2 Blum v. UW & DP, 78-45-PC, 3/7/79

Surveyor-Senior and Advanced 1 Urbain v. DOT & DER, 96-0156-PC, 1/28/98

Surveyor Advanced 2 Hartling v. DER, 94-0275-PC, 7/24/95 (also Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Advanced 2)

Tax Compliance Supervisor I and 2 Danielski et al. v. DER, 85-0196-PC, 9/17/86

Tax Conferee 1 Frisch v. DOR& DER, 92-0744-PC, 1/20/95 (also Revenue Agent 2 and 3)

Tax Representative 1 and 2 Berger & Hansen v. DOR & DP, 77-217, 218-PC, 1/22/80

Teacher 3 and 4 Grueter v. DHSS & DP, 79-266-PC 9/23/81

Teacher 5 Boldt v. DP, 81-96-PC (9/28/83); affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Boldt v. State Pers. Comm., 83-CV-2733, 3/6/84; affirmed by Court of Appeals District 111, 84-864, 2/5/85 (see also Librarian 2)

Teacher Supervisor 1 and 2 Bender v. DER, 86-0062-PC, 10/29/86

Therapist 2 and 3 Tiedeman & Marx v. DHSS [DHFS] & DER, 96-0073, 0085-PC, 4/24/97

Therapy Assistant 2 and 3 Boxrucker v. DHSS & DER, 92-0040-PC, 12/29/92; Jesse v. DHSS & DER, 92-0036-PC, 9/18/92; Schrock et al. v. DHSS & DER, 88-0146-PC, 1/10/90

Tourist Information Assistant I and 2 Stoikes v. DNR & DER, 87-0075-PC, 1/13/88

Tourist Promotion Representative Svensson v. DER, 86-0136-PC, 7/22/87 (see also Administrative Assistant 5)

Traffic Signal Mechanic-Entry and Journey Coequyt v. DER, 92-0189-PC, 8/11/93 (also Engineering Specialist, Engineering Technician-Transportation-4)

Traffic Signal Mechanic-Journey Pope v. DER, 92-0131-PC, 8/23/93 (also Engineering Specialist-Transportation-Journey); Golde v. DER, 92-0162-PC, 8/11/93 (also Engineering Technician-Transportation 4)

Transportation District Business Supervisor Dorsey et al. v. DER, 94-0471-PC, etc., 1/23/96 (also Administrative Officer 3)

Trooper 2 and 3 Collins v. DOT & DER, 84-0105-PC, 5/9/85; Jansen v. DOT & DP, 78-170-PC, 1/8/81; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, DOT v. PC (Jansen), 81-CV-0648, 9/30/81; Michalski v. DOT, 82-228-PC, 6/9/83

Typesetting Input Operator 2 Lulling & Arneson v. DER, 88-0136, 0137-PC, 9/13/89 (also Management Information Technician 2 and 3)

Typist Billingsley & Williams et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-62,etc., 10/2/81 (see also clerical Assistant 2) (see also Program Assistant 1); Brazeau & Johnson v. DP, 79-PC-CS-357, 9/4/81; Burkhalter v. DP, 80-389-PC, 11/19/81 (see also Program Assistant 1); Harris v. UW & DER, 87-0046-PC, 9/26/88 (also Program Assistant 1); Kirkeeng v. DP, 79-PC-CS-531, 12/8/82; Klitzke v. UW (Whitewater), 85-0022-PC, 6/18/85 (see also Program Assistant 1 and 2 and Secretary 1); Marty v. DP, 79-PC-CS-587, 12/8/80; Praninskas v. DP, 79-PC-CS-653, 4/23/81; Rotter v. DP, 79-PC-CS-749, 4/23/81 (see also Program Assistant 1); Schroth v. DP, 79-PC-CS-935, 11/19/81 (see also Program Assistant 2)

Typist 2 and 3 Jensen v. UW, 78-84-PC, 7/5/79

Unemployment Benefit Specialist I Skille v. DER, 86-0093-PC, 3/18/87 (see also Unemployment Compensation Associate I and 2)

Unemployment Benefits Specialist 2 and 3 Anderson v. DILHR & DER, 84-0238-PC, 7/17/85; Foust v. DILHR & DER, 84-0218-PC, 5/22/85; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, DILHR & DER v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 85-CV-3206, 7/29/86; Graham v. DILHR & DER, 84-0052-PC, 4/12/85

Unemployment Benefit Specialist 3 and 4 Harris v. DER, 86-0115-PC, 12/14/89; McCabe v. DER, 86-0059-PC, 12/18/86

Unemployment Benefit Supervisor 2 and 3 Kennedy-Sheahen v. DILHR & DER, 88-0120-PC, 6/27/89; Manthei et al. v. DER, 86-0116, etc.-PC, 1/13/88

Unemployment Benefit Supervisor 6 to 7 Shorey v. DILHR & DER, 87-0070-PC, 2/1/88

Unemployment Compensation Associate 1 Vyas et al. v. DILHR & DER, 94-0241-PC, 2/6/95 (also Employment Security Assistant 3)

Unemployment Compensation Associate I and 2 Skille v. DER, 86-0093-PC, 3/18/87 (see also Unemployment Benefit Specialist 1)

Unemployment Compensation Specialist 2 and 3 Graham v. DILHR & DER, 84-0052-PC, 4/12/85

Unemployment Contribution Specialist 3 and 4 Day et al. & Jerdee v. DILHR [DWD] & DER, 95-0195, 0201-PC, 9/17/96

Unemployment Contributions Supervisor 3 and 4 Day et al. & Jerdee v. DILHR [DWD] & DER, 95-0195, 0201-PC, 9/17/96

University Benefits Specialist 2 (and Educational Services Assistant 3 or 4)

Gunderson v. DER, 95-0095-PC, 8/5/96

Veterinary 2 Supervisor and Veterinary 3 Supervisor Tuttle, Oinonen & Delaney v. DATCP & DER, 85-0153, 0154, 0158-PC, 5/14/86

Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist 1 and 2 Schutz v. DHSS & DER, 93-0188-PC, 6/21/94

Waste Management Engineer - Advanced 1 and 2 Mickelson v. DNR & DER, 95-0182-PC, 7/23/96

Waste Management Specialist-Senior and Advanced Hein v. DER, 92-0583-PC, 4/17/95; Misterek v. DER, 92-0511-PC, 4/17/95; Edwards v. DER, 92-0423-PC, 11/29/93

Wastewater Engineer-Developmental and Senior Hendricks v. DER, 91-0066-PC, 1/8/92

Wastewater Engineer-Senior Stanlick v. DER, 94-0157-PC, 10/16/95 (also Private Sewage Plan Reviewer 2)

Wastewater Management Specialist-Senior and Advanced Vogen v. DER, 92-0601-PC, 6/23/94

Water Regulation and Zoning Engineer Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Lulloff v. DER, 90-0347-PC, 4/19/94; affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Lulloff v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 94-CV-1633, 6/6/96; affirmed by Court of appeals, Lulloff v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 96-2189, 1/8/98

Water Regulation and Zoning Specialist-Senior and Advanced Lahti v. DER, 92-0556-PC, 6/21/94

Water Resources Engineer-Advanced 1 and Advanced 2 Ostenso v. DER, 91-0070-PC, 4/13/94, affirmed by Dane County Circuit Court, Ostenso v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 94-CV-1571, 3/18/96; affirmed by Court of Appeals, Ostenso v. Wis. Pers. Comm., 96-1777, 1/29/98

Water Resources Management Specialist-Senior and Advanced Fenster v. DER, 95-0160-PC, 8/5/96; Koshere v. DER, 92-0531-PC, 12/7/95; Rasman v. DER, 92-0435-PC, 6/21/94; Vennie v. DER, 92-0624-PC, 5/27/94

Water Supply Specialist-Senior and Advanced Hutchison v. DER, 92-0577-PC, 10/24/94; rehearing denied, 12/13/94; Fitzgerald v. DER, 92-0308-PC, 1/11/94

Word Processing Operator I and 2 Rogers et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-738, 12/17/80; Williamson et al. v. DP, 79-PC-CS-888, 669, 670, 12/3/81

Word Processing Operator 2 and 3 Thomas v. UW & DP, 81-410-PC, 4/2/82

Youth Counselor 1 Perea v. DHSS & DER, 93-0036-PC, 3/29/94 (also Custodian 3); Thompson v. DER, 86-0138-PC, 12/23/87 (see also Building Maintenance Helper 2)


While this digest has been prepared by Personnel Commission staff for the convenience of interested persons, it should be remembered that the decisions themselves are the ultimate source of Commission precedent.

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