Wisconsin Personnel Commission's             Digest of Decisions        March, 1999 Version

The Wisconsin Personnel Commission was abolished in 2003.However, the rulings of the Personnel Commission continue to be cited in decisions that are issued by successor agencies. The Commission’s on-line Digest of Decisions is maintained solely as a research tool.

Information relating to the Commission's successor agencies

Subject Matter Index (Expanded)

Once you have determined the classifications numbers that are of interest to you,
follow the link(s) directly to the case summaries.  If a classification is not highlighted,
it means there are no cases on that particular topic. 

[100]      [200]     [300]      [400]     [500]      [600]     [700]

NOTE:    Matters filed with the Wisconsin Personnel Commission are designated as either appeals or complaints.  The Commission's statutory bases for review of appeals do not provide for an investigation by the Commission.  In contrast, the statutory bases for review of complaints provide for an investigation.  In this digest, decisions relating to complaints are found in chapters 701 through 796, while decisions relating to appeals are located in chapters 101 through 690.  Especially for anyone researching a procedural issue, it is adviasable to look under the appropriate headings for both appeals and complaints. 



101 General

102 Timeliness of an appeal
        102.01 General application of time restrictions
        102.02 Receipt by the Commission
                102.02(1) Receipt of letter
                102.02(2) Time stamp
                102.02(3) Mailing date
                102.02(4) Personal delivery
                102.02(5) Mistaken appeal to the Administrator/Secretary (see also 102.10)
        102.04 No notice, generally
        102.05 Computation of timeliness according to subject matter being appealed
                102.05(1) Discharge/termination
                102.05(3) Layoff
                102.05(4) Grievance matters (see also 102.13)
                102.05(5) Probation extension
                102.05(6) Post-certification action related to hiring process -- §230.44(1)(d), Stats.
                102.05(7) Suspension
                102.05(9) Exam
                102.05(10) Actions of the Administrator/Secretary
                102.05(13) Other subject matters
        102.08 Early filing
        102.09 Relation back of amendment or of appeal to prior complaint
        102.10 Equitable estoppel as to issues of timeliness (see also 522.05)
        102.11 Continuing violation
        102.12 Work or calendar days
        102.13 Effect of filing grievance (or seeking other internal reconsideration) on the timeliness of subsequentappeal
        102.14 When appellant realizes unfairness
        102.15 Failure to appeal subsequent decision
        102.16 Effect of statutory period falling on weekend/holiday

103 Subject matter and parties involved
        103.01 Probationary employes
        103.02 Resignations
        103.03 Reclassifications/reallocations (see also 103.11 and 103.18)
        103.04 Salary range of a classification
        103.05 Union contracts and bargaining agreements -- the effect of §111.93(3), Stats.
        103.06 Bargaining unit placement
        103.07 Social Security tax
        103.08 Grievances
                103.08(1) Allegations necessary
                103.08(2) Alleged, rather than actual, violation of statute
                        103.08(2)(a) Exhaustion of grievance remedies
                        103.08(2)(b) Appeal after the second step
                103.08(3) Letter of reprimand
                103.08(4) Qualifications of a successful candidate
                103.08(5) Merit increase
                103.08(6) Erroneous grievance route
                103.08(7) Existence of rules regarding procedure
                103.08(8) Conditions of employment/management rights
                103.08(8.5) Matters "subject to the control of the employer"
                103.08(9) Employment or bargaining unit status of grievant as affecting jurisdiction
                103.08(10) Particular matters grieved/appealed
        103.09 County merit system appeals
        103.10 Investigations
        103.11 Actions delegated by the Administrator/Secretary
        103.12 Non-classified employes/positions
        103.13 Work assignments
        103.16 §227.24, Stats.; promulgation of emergency rules
        103.17 Review of decision of impartial hearing officer
        103.18 Decisions of the Administrator/Secretary other than those decisions listed in 103.03 through .13
        103.19 Determination of legality of rule
        103.20 Post-certification actions under §230.44(1)(d), Stats., including selection decisions
        103.21 Other matters
                103.21(1) No jurisdiction
                103.21(2) Jurisdiction present

104 Jurisdiction to determine jurisdiction

107 Effect of prior settlement agreement reached in another proceeding

110 Declaratory rulings (see also 523)

130 Authority to award relief/impose remedy (see also 521)
        130.5 Nature of remedy
                130.5(2) Appointment to future vacancy
                130.5(4) Attorneys fees
                130.5(6) Back pay
                130.5(8) Other
        130.7 Subject matter of appeal
                130.7(1) Exam
                130.7(2) Grievance
                130.7(4) Imposition of discipline
                130.7(6) Post-certification action relating to hire, including non-appointment
                130.7(8) Reclassification/reallocation
                130.7(10) Other


200 DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS: Discharges, Suspensions, Reductions in Base Pay and Demotions

201 Written notice of disciplinary actions
        201.01 General requirements
        201.02 Insufficient notice
        201.03 Sufficient notice
        201.04 Notice determining the issues
        201.05 Amendment of notice

201.50 Standard of judgment (see 501)

202 Was some discipline warranted§
        202.02 Tardiness and/or absence
        202.03 Insubordination; failure to follow orders
        202.04 Poor work record
        202.10 Other misconduct
                202.10(1) Off-duty
                202.10(2) On-duty
        202.50          Weighing testimony

205 Specific defenses
        205.1         Constitutional Rights
        205.3         Absence of standards of performance
        205.5         Failure of management to train and supervise
        205.7         Multiple punishment
        205.8         Inadequacy of pre-disciplinary procedures
                205.8 (1) Pre-disciplinary procedural requirements, generally
                205.8 (2) Notice of imminent danger of termination
        205.9         Other

210 Was discipline imposed excessive§
        210.2         Excessiveness, generally
        210.5         Past work record
                210.5(1) Generally
                210.5(5) Progressive discipline

240 Demotion
        240.1 Definition

250 Suspension
        250.1 Definition
        250.3 Statutory limit on duration

270 Relief awarded



301 Standard of judgment (see 501)
        301.03 Scope of the Commission's inquiry

302 Particular issues
        302.005 Definition
        302.01 Effective date of the action
        302.02 According to option
        302.03 By classification
        302.04 Least efficient and effective
        302.05 For fiscal reasons
        302.06 Performance of prior job duties by another
        302.07 Probationary employes
        302.08 Labor agreements
        302.09 Alleged discharge
        302.10 Reinstatement and retention rights
        302.11 Layoff versus other means
        302.12 Arbitrary and capricious action
        302.13 Compliance with rules and statutes
        302.14 Payment of unused annual leave
        302.15 Bumping rights
        302.20 Constructive demotion in lieu of layoff

303 Just cause standard applied, generally

310 Relief awarded



401 Notice
        401.01 Reclassification/reallocation
        401.02 Relocation

402 Standard of judgment (see 501.03)

403 Particular actions
        403.005 Accretion
        403.01 Acting capacity
        403.02 Administrative practices manual
        403.023 Carry-over of benefits from unclassified position
        403.03 Continuous service credits
403.035 Employing unit determination
        403.04 Examination and selection procedure
                403.04(1) Prerequisites/announcement
                403.04(1.5) Recruitment
                403.04(2) Exam content, job-relatedness
                403.04(3) Scope of competition
                403.04(4) Race classification in hiring
                403.04(5) Sex classification in hiring
                403.04(7) Extra time to supplement application
                403.04(8) Exam administration and scoring
                403.04(9) Secrecy -- materials pertinent to appeal
                403.04(10) Certification (including veterans points)
                403.04(11) Withdrawal of acceptance
        403.05 Hearings
        403.06 Leave
        403.07 List of eligibles (registers), including removal of names
        403.08 Make-up work (bad weather)
        403.09 Merit pay
        403.10 Overtime
        403.102     Performance evaluation
        403.104 Project positions
        403.107 Promotional potential rating
        403.11 Probation
        403.12 Reclassification/reallocation
                403.12(1) Existence of request for reclassification/reallocation [see also 403.12(13)]
                403.12(2) Listing of cases by classifications involved [see also 403.12(15), (16), (17)]
                403.12(4) Particular issues in determining correctness of classification
                        403.12(4)(a) Main issue (see also 501.03 and 502.75)
                        403.12(4)(b) Method of determining correctness
                        403.12(4)(c) Position description signed by appellant
                        403.12(4)(d) Majority of duties, significance of time allocated to particular functions
                        403.12(4)(e) Prohibited duties
                        403.12(4)(f)         Classification of other specific positions
                        403.12(4)(g) Size of unit
                        403.12(4)(h) Duties changed
                        403.12(4)(i)         Outside witnesses
                        403.12(4)(j)         New specifications applied
                        403.12(4)(k) Promise of advancement
                        403.12(4)(l)         Teacher credits
                        403.12(4)(m) Time served in lower class
                        403.12(4)(n) Employe retention
                        403.12(4)(o) Other quantitative factor
                        403.12(4)(r)         Field audit
                        403.12(4)(s)         Temporary duties/responsibilities and continuing responsibilities
                        403.12(4)(t) Job sharing
                        403.12(4)(u) Professional and paraprofessional duties
                        403.12(4)(v) Volunteer/committee responsibilities
                        403.12(4)(w) Leadwork/supervisory/management responsibilities
                        403.12(4)(x) Level of supervision
                403.12(6) Delegation
                403.12(7) Reclassification/reallocation versus demotion or layoff
                403.12(8) Reclassification versus reallocation [see also 403.12(11)]
                403.12(9) No reclassification
                403.12(10) Prior reorganization
                403.12(11) Logical and gradual change
                403.12(12) Class specifications as binding
                403.12(13) Effective date
                403.12(14) Duration of reclassification process
                403.12(15) Progression series [see also 403.12(4)(m)]
                        403.12(15)(a) Generally
                        403.12(15)(m) Appeals sustained and denied
                403.12(16) Factor Evaluation System
                        403.12(16)(m) Appeals sustained and denied
                403.12(17) Decisions based upon performance analysis
                        403.12(17)(a) Generally
                        403.12(17)(m) Appeals sustained and denied
        403.125 Refusal to conduct survey
        403.127 Regrade
        403.13 Reorganization of a department
        403.14 Retirement, compulsory (see also 302.11)
        403.15 Salary and pay range
        403.151     Trainee classification
        403.16 Transfer
        403.17 Vacation time

420 Relief awarded (see also 130)



500.50 Filing fee

501 Standard of judgment
        501.01 Evidentiary standard
        501.02 Just cause under §230.44(1)(c), Stats.
                501.02(1) Just cause in disciplinary actions (including constructive discipline)
                501.02(2) Just cause for a layoff
                501.02(3) Just cause for resignation by job abandonment
        501.03 Correctness of actions by the administrator
        501.04 Abuse of discretion

502 Burden of proof/proceeding
        502.01 Generally
                502.01(1) Burden of persuasion
                502.01(2) Applicability of burden
        502.02 Jurisdiction
        502.03 Discharge
        502.04 Suspension/demotion
        502.05 Layoff
        502.06 Actions of the administrator
        502.07 Reclassifications/reallocations
        502.08 Examinations
                502.08(1) Exam process
                502.08(2) Exam content
        502.09 Burden of proceeding
        502.15 Affirmative defenses
502.75 Issue for hearing

503 Mootness (see also 522.02)
        503.01 Resignation
        503.02 Examination appeal
        503.03 Future abuses
        503.04       Arbitration award
        503.05 Moot appeal treated as investigation
        503.06 Other matters

503.50 Standing

504 Amendment (see also 712.5)

504.50 Bifurcated hearing

505 Consolidation of appeals
        505.01 Same appellant
        505.02 Separate appellants
                505.02(1) Prehearing conference
                505.02(2) Hearing

505.50 Open records law

506 Discovery (see also 724)
        506.01 Necessity of discovery
        506.02 Availability of state witnesses
        506.03 Particular issues
        506.04        Sanctions

506.50 Proper parties

507 Prior notice of witnesses and exhibits

508 Witnesses and exhibits (see also 510)
        508.2    Exchange of witness and exhibit lists
        508.4    Subpoenas
        508.6    Protective orders
        508.7    Rebuttal
        508.8    Witness fees/reimbursement

510 Evidence
        510.01 Foundation
        510.02 Examination -- limitation of
        510.03 Redirect -- scope of
        510.04 Objection -- timeliness of
        510.05 Exhibits
        510.06 Hearsay
        510.07 Polygraph exam
        510.08 Relevance
        510.09 Motion to suppress/ motion in limine
        510.10 Expert testimony
        510.11 Materiality
        510.15 Official notice
        510.20 Attorney-client privilege
        510.50 Res judicata/collateral estoppel (see also 717.3)
        510.90 Other

511 Motions
        511.01 Jurisdiction
        511.02 No factual hearing necessary -- issues of law
        511.03 Factual hearing necessary -- questions of fact
        511.04 Motion for reinstatement
        511.08 Motion for summary judgment
        511.20 Motion to dismiss for lack of prosecution (see also 515.2)
        511.50 Motion to sequester
511.80 Timing
        511.90 Withdrawal of motion

512 Procedural rules
        512.01 Adoption
                512.01(1) Power to adopt
                512.01(2) Notice and hearing
        512.02 Change during hearing
        512.03 Filing of briefs
        512.04 Probationary employe appeals

513 Timing (including postponement/acceleration) of proceedings

514 Location of hearing

515 Dismissal
        515.2       For lack of prosecution
        515.5        Withdrawal

516 Stay of order

517 Objections to proposed decision, request for oral argument, rehearing or reopening a hearing
        517.01 Generally
        517.55 Timeliness of objection/request

518 Disqualification/commission votes
        518.01 Number present and voting
        518.02 Disqualification of commissioner/examiner

519 Findings, conclusions and order

520 Failure to reach all issues

521 Fees and costs -- Equal Access to Justice Act
        521.2         Applicable standards
        521.5         Specific issues
        521.7         Fees and costs granted/denied according to type of case
                521.7(1) Reclassification/reallocation
                521.7(2) Discipline
                521.7(8) Other

522 Other issues
        522.01 Form of appeal
                522.01(1) Generally
                522.01(2) Compliance with rule
                522.01(3) Particular issues
                522.01(4) Amendments
        522.02 Appeal survives death
        522.03 Weight of administrative practice
        522.04 Presence of supervisor
        522.05 Equitable estoppel (for cases involving issue of timeliness, see 102.10)
                522.05(1) Generally
                        522.05(1)(a) Elements
                        522.05(1)(b) Knowing representation
                        522.05(1)(c) State conduct
                        522.05(1)(d) Inference of reliance
                        522.05(1)(e) Source of misinformation
                522.05(2) Claims denied
                522.05(3) Claims affirmed
                522.05(4) Extent of application of estoppel
        522.06 Double jeopardy
        522.07   Conflict between statute and department rule, or failure to promulgate as rule
        522.08 Interpretation of directives
        522.09 Preliminary decision
        522.10 Representation (including unauthorized practice of law and appointment of counsel)
        522.15 Amicus curiae briefs

523 Declaratory rulings



605 Generally
        605.5 Presumption of regularity
                605.5(1) Generally
                605.5(2) Particular applications

610 Designation of status of positions
        610.2 As academic staff

615 Selection process decisions (see also 667)
        615.2 Generally
        615.5 Particular issues
                615.5(2) Who is considered
                615.5(4) Who decides
                615.5(6) Candidate references or recommendations
                615.5(9) Other issues

622 Transfers
        622.01 Generally
        622.02 What constitutes
        622.03 Interview of applicant for transfer
        622.04 Scope of Commission's review

625 Promotions
        625.01 Generally
        625.02 Particular issues

630 Probationary period issues
        630.02 Permissive probationary period -- establishment
        630.03 Written performance evaluations
        630.06 Extension of probationary period
        630.08 Termination
        630.09 Restoration after probationary termination

635 Medical leave of absence

637 Merit increase decisions

640 Flex-time

645 Work assignment

650 Hazardous duty (§230.36, Stats.)

655 Code of ethics

660 §230.37: Employe infirmities

667 Reinstatement/restoration

670 Voluntary demotion

675 Relief awarded (see also 130)
        675.5 Non-appointment appeals
        675.8 Other types of appeals

680 Processing of non-contractual grievances

683 Rate of pay

686 Career executive actions

690 Overtime



702 Subject matter jurisdiction
        702.005 Generally
        702.01 "Employer"/state agency
        702.03 Employee
        702.05 Location of employment
        702.07 Terms, conditions or privileges of employment
        702.10 Age
        702.12 Arrest record/conviction record
        702.14 Color
        702.16 Creed
        702.17 Family leave/medical leave
        702.18 Handicap
                702.18(1) Generally
                702.18(2) Temporary disability
        702.20 Honesty testing device
        702.22 Marital status
        702.23 Military reserve membership
        702.24 National origin/ancestry
        702.26 Occupational safety and health
        702.28 Race
        702.30 Retaliation
        702.32 Sex
                702.32(1) Generally
                702.32(2) Inclusion of sexual harassment
        702.34 Sexual orientation
        702.50 Whistleblower (subch. III, ch. 230, Stats.)
        702.90 Bases other than those listed in statutes

704 Effect of bargaining agreement (§111.93(3), Stats.) and additional complaint procedures

706 Timeliness
        706.01 Generally
        706.03 Realization of discriminatory/retaliatory nature of action
        706.05 Continuing violation
        706.07 Of amendment
        706.08 Relation back to previously filed appeal
        706.50 Appeal from initial determination of no probable cause

710 Parties

712 Complaint
        712.2 What constitutes/sufficiency
        712.4 Failure to state claim on which relief may be granted
        712.5 Amendment

713 Interlocutory relief
        713.3 Standards
        713.8 Relief granted
        713.9 Relief denied

714 Investigation
        714.1 Generally
        714.4 Request for copy of investigative file
        714.9 Waiver

715 Initial determination
        715.1 Effect of finding of probable cause
        715.2 Request for second investigation
        715.5 Respondent's objections to the initial determination of probable cause
        715.9 Other issues

717 Relationship with other proceedings/matters
        717.1 Consolidation with appeals/other complaints
        717.2 Existence of parallel federal proceeding
        717.3 Collateral estoppel/res judicata (see also 510.50)
        717.5 Effect of prior settlement agreement reached in another proceeding (see also 738.4)
        717.7 Exclusivity of or preemption by other laws/proceedings

719 Mootness

720 Standing

721 Standard of judgment and analysis
        721.01 Generally
        721.10 Age
        721.12 Arrest record/conviction record
        721.14 Color
        721.16 Creed
        721.17 Family leave/medical leave
        721.18 Disability [Handicap]
        721.20 Honesty testing device
        721.22 Marital status
        721.24 National origin/ancestry
        721.26 Occupational safety and health
        721.28 Race
        721.30 Retaliation
        721.32 Sex
        721.34 Sexual orientation
        721.50 Whistleblower (subch. III, ch. 230, Stats.)

722 Burden of proof

724 Discovery (also see 506)

726 Issue for hearing

728 Hearing procedure
        728.3 Role of hearing examiner/substitution
        728.8 Transcript
        728.9 Other

730 Evidence

732 Motions

734 Postponement/delays

735 Settlement efforts and agreements (also see 717.5 and 738.4)

736 Dismissal (includes failure to respond to 20 day letter)
        736.5 Withdrawal of claim

738 Reopen/Rehearing
        738.1 Generally
        738.4 Reopen where allegation of failure to fulfill settlement agreement

740 Findings, Conclusions, Order

742 Remedy

760 Specific applications of principles
        760.2 Mixed motive
        760.4 Voluntary resignation/constructive discharge
        760.6 Proof of general atmosphere of discrimination
        760.9 Other

766 Age
        766.01 Generally
        766.02 Probable cause
                766.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                766.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        766.03 Merits
                766.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                766.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        766.04 Prima facie case
        766.06 Statistical analysis

768 Arrest record/conviction record
        768.01 Generally
        768.02 Probable cause
                768.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                768.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        768.03 Merits
                768.02(1) Finding of discrimination
                768.02(2) Finding of no discrimination
        768.04 Prima facie case

770 Color
        770.01 Generally
        770.02 Probable cause
                770.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                770.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        770.03 Merits
                770.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                770.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        770.04 Prima facie case

772 Creed
        772.01 Generally
        772.02 Probable cause
                772.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                772.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        772.03 Merits
                772.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                772.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        772.04 Prima facie case

773 Family leave/medical leave
        773.01 Generally
        773.02 Probable cause
                773.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                773.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        773.03 Merits
                773.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                773.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        773.04 Prima facie case

774 Disability [formerly identified as handicap]
        774.01 Generally
        774.02 Probable cause
                774.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                774.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        774.03 Merits
                774.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                774.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        774.04 Prima facie case (see 702.18)
        774.05 Duty of accommodation

776 Honesty testing device
        776.01 Generally

778 Marital status
        778.01 Generally
        778.02 Probable cause
                778.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                778.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        778.03 Merits
                778.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                778.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        778.04 Prima facie case

780 National origin/ancestry
        780.01 Generally
        780.02 Probable cause
                780.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                780.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        780.03 Merits
                780.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                780.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        780.04 Prima facie case
        780.06 Statistical analysis
        780.10 Disparate impact

782 Occupational safety and health
        782.01 Generally
        782.02 Probable cause
                782.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                782.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        782.03 Merits
                782.03(1) Finding of retaliation
                782.03(2) Finding of no retaliation
        782.04 Prima facie case

784 Race
        784.01 Generally
        784.02 Probable cause
                784.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                784.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        784.03 Merits
                784.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                784.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        784.04 Prima facie case
        784.06 Statistical analysis
        784.10 Disparate impact
        784.25 Racial harassment

786 Retaliation (i.e., retaliation under FEA)
        786.01 Generally
        786.02 Probable cause
                786.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                786.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        786.03 Merits
                786.03(1) Finding of retaliation
                786.03(2) Finding of no retaliation
        786.04 Prima facie case

788 Sex
        788.01 Generally
        788.02 Probable cause
                788.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                788.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        788.03 Merits
                788.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                788.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        788.04 Prima facie case
        788.06 Statistical analysis
        788.10 Disparate impact
        788.15 Bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
        788.25 Sexual harassment

790 Sexual orientation
        790.01 Generally
        790.02 Probable cause
                790.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                790.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        790.03 Merits
                790.03(1) Finding of discrimination
                790.03(2) Finding of no discrimination
        790.04 Prima facie case

792 Whistleblower (subch. III, ch. 230, Stats.)
        792.01 Generally
        792.02 Probable cause
                792.02(1) Finding of probable cause
                792.02(2) Finding of no probable cause
        792.03 Merits
                792.03(1) Finding of retaliation
                792.03(2) Finding of no retaliation
        792.04 Prima facie case

796 Employment action involved in claim
        796.05 Examination procedure
        796.10 Certification
        796.15 Selection decisions (including reinstatement, promotion and reappointment)
        796.25 Salary
        796.30 Employment benefits (including leaves of absence)
        796.35 Work assignments (including shift assignments and transfers)
        796.37 Training
        796.39 Conduct of co-workers
        796.40 Classification matters
        796.45 Evaluation (including discretionary performance award)
        796.50 Reprimand, suspension, demotion
        796.55 Layoff (including failure to recall and retirement in lieu of layoff)
        796.60 Discharge/termination (including resignation, constructive discharge and non-renewal of contract)
        796.70 Job references
        796.95 Other

While this digest has been prepared by Personnel Commission staff for the convenience of interested persons, it should be remembered that the decisions themselves are the ultimate source of Commission precedent.

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